21 May 2009

Four Terrorists among its three United States citizens have a plan on hold because the New York blitz

Three United States citizens and one citizen of Haiti on Wednesday (20 / 5) night on hold because the two intend blow the Jewish place of worship (synagogue) in the Bronx, New York City, the plan has been their intention that in June 2008, as media reports in the U.S. .

Terrorist action that will be done by the four suspects, including James Cromitie, David Williams, Williams and Onta-Laguerre Payen-citizens Haiti began from a complaint to the informant's Cromitie .

Their plans be defeated by the Federal Bureau of investigators (FBI) based on the recorded conversation with a suspect of the FBI informant to infiltrate the group .*

In October 2008, Cromitie and three other suspects have begun meeting in a house in Newburgh in the state of New York. According to informants, they discussed plans to attack a military plane and a synagogue in the Bronx. Fourth suspect is the Newburgh residents, located about 95 kilometers north of New York City. In that opportunity, Cromitie ask the informant to provide a guided missile to land the air .

One month later, with informants Cromitie discuss potential targets in New York. Cromitie complained that "the best target (World Trade Center) already be" and "I want to (destroy) a synagogue" .

Local newspaper Daily News quoted a description of the FBI officials and kepolisan New York (NYPD), that in June 2008, James Cromitie told the informant that he was disappointed over the military action against the Muslim community in Pakistan and Afghanistan, where his parents lived. He says, himself wanted to do "something for the United States" .

On 10 April 2009, the suspects have been set targets they attack, a synagogue and community center activities in the Bronx. At that time Cromitie make the image center of the community with a camera shop in Walmart dibelinya .

Date 24 April, the suspect chose to make the plane and began shooting photographs of military aircraft Newburgh .

On May 6, Cromitie, David Williams, and Laguerre Payen with FBI informant go to a warehouse in Connecticut to take the equipment as a missile systems and other equipment. To the suspects, informants claim that the equipment is obtained from the terrorist group Jaish-e-Mohammed. In fact, the tools are not working that is provided by FBI .

Two days later, the four suspects to move weapons from the warehouse and bring them to a house in Newburgh. On 20 May, the four suspects arrested, and eventually arrested for alleged plan to detonate two synagogue in the city of New York and attacked a U.S. military plane .

Following the suspect is caught, on the Thursday of the NYPD guard looks at some point in the Bronx, including outside the building Jewish community center activities, Riverdale Jewish Center, one of which is the target point blitz. The start of the trial on 5 June.

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