05 May 2009

Children lead Hiperaktif

There are two fears concerning the mother's son, autis and hiperaktif. If autis infected children, the mother will be very nervous because their children out of focus, tend to be uncommunicative and difficult to adapt. Even if hiperaktif
nervous because his son is difficult. In fact, the average child autis and hiperaktif have "the Intelligence Extraordinary."

Managing hiperaktif the children who need extraordinary patience, and awareness to not always feel tired, for the good of the child.
Hiperaktif child is always moving, wanton, could not concentrate.

Desires must be fulfilled. They also sometimes do something impulsive or a sudden without first be thought. This interference behavior usually occurs in children aged pre basis, or before they were aged 7 years.

You anxious and nervous? Sure, but do not be afraid. We have a prescription. So that the child is not Hiperaktif

First, check.
Not all behavior that can be classified as diagnosed hiperaktif. Therefore, you need to increase the knowledge of the interference hiperaktif. You should do is consult on issues that affects their children to child psychology experts therapy. This is important because interference hiperaktivitas can affect the mental and physical health of children, and its ability to absorb the lessons and socializing. The goal is to get help from the right about what you can do at home. Its also useful to remove the feeling of guilt and improve your attitude
so that the child is not too excessive. Here are the experts will provide the appropriate medication or a therapy.

Second, Understanding
To be able to handle children hiperatif, there is also a good idea
if you and your family members to support groups and parenting-skills training. The goal is to better understand the attitudes and behavior of children, and what is required of children, both psychological, cognitive (intellectual) and physiological. If children feel that parents and other family members can understand the desires, his feelings, its frustrating, then this condition will increase the likelihood of a child can
grow as the other normal.

Third, a focus on Exercise.
Do not press him, accept the circumstances. Treat children with warm and patient, but firm and consistent in
apply the norms and duties. If children can not dwell in one place, try to grasp with both hands soft, and then sat silent for Engage. Ask that child's eyes stare when you speak or talk. Give directions to a soft tone, without having to sail. Landing is very important to train and discipline the child to concentrate on one job. You must be consistent. If the request
him to do something, do not give him a threat, but understanding, which makes you know why he hopes to do that.

Fourth, patient.
If he had to endure sitting longer, bimbing children to practice hand and eye coordination to the way the dots that form numbers or letters. This exercise also aims to improve the way writing a number that is not good and wrong. Then the child can be a simple exercise of drawing and coloring. This is a very useful exercise to practice his fine motor.
Can also start with a given exercise confer different variations Answer, reduction, multiplication, and division. Start with the Answer or the reduction of the numbers below 10. After that
introduced a new concept with the correct numbers from 0.

If the above four phases have to skip you, be grateful, surely you have active children can be focused on the development of one's soul. This will also greatly assist you in the guard. And now, enter the next stage, how you have to cooperate with him.

Fifth, revive confidence in himself.
If able, this can also be learned, use the techniques of behavior, such as using a brace positive. For example, to give praise when the child eats with the order or work to do something correctly, and provide consistent discipline, and always monitor children's behavior. The goal is to increase the confidence of children.

In addition, children can also make the management of its own with the guidance of parents. For example, by giving a good example to children, and if a child violates the time, parents
remind children of the examples that their parents had given previously.

In this stage, you try to be emotionally stable at the point, so that he knows, brace the positive control does not come up anger. Remember, children hiperaktif average is also very sensitive.

Sixth, Explore the direction interest.
If he continues to move, do not panic, Include only, and good record, where in fact the purpose of
her liveliness. Do not be banned all together, he later felt frustrated. The most important is to recognize talent, or the tendency of early attention.

That way, you can provide enough space for children's activities for the excess energy. For example, include children in the soccer club in the minors or swim, so that the children interact and learn discipline. Children also learn socializing because he must follow the procedure group.

Seventh, ask him to talk.

This is very important you apply. Remember, children tend to be difficult to communicate hiperaktif and socializing, busy with himself. Therefore, help in socializing children
so that he learn the values of what is acceptable group.
For example, do activities together, so you can teach children how to socialize with friends and the environment. This requires the patience and tenderness.

Develop skills to communicate the need is small time. First it must be equipped with the attitude esteem, sense of grace, mutual understanding, and empathy, said Susan Barron, Ph.D.,
Director of Development and Learning Center Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York in an article in Child magazine.

Finally, Ready to help each other.

If he was able to reveal the mind, you can immediately help him realize what he wanted. Do not hesitate. If necessary, work with teachers in schools so that teachers understand the actual condition of the child. Ask the teachers do not need to sail, the varmint, or exclude, as can be
impact worse mental health for children. Cooperation is also important because children's difficult to concentrate and absorb the lessons well. It takes patience and guidance from teachers for children hiperaktif.

that is the basics of management if you have a child hiperaktif. He is not dangerous, only need to touch and MORE ATTENTION. If he get it, your child will be changed so that genius is not impossible, it will change the world.

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