28 April 2009

TB - HIV / AIDS Global Threats.

Diseases Tuberkolosis (tubercle baccilus or TB) not only become a major health problem for developing countries, but is seen as a threat to global public health world.

Number of TB patients in Indonesia is the third most countries in the world after India and China, with the number of patients in about 10% of the total number of people with TB in the world.

Each year there are estimated 539,000 new cases and 101,000 deaths of people. TB incidence cases with positive acid resistant bacillus around 110 per 100,000 population diperburuk his situation by the threat of HIV infection, so it is increasingly difficult. HIV and TB are diseases that kill and integrated its second cause of disease for people with bad effects.

In the countries with high prevalence of TB infected by TB germs (in the body there are TB bacteria in konsidi dormant or inactive). They are not sick, because the resistance body in good condition. However, when the body's resistance had fallen (or was damaged by AIDS), the bacteria in the body will rise as a result reaktifasi endogen, and trigger the occurrence of TB.

Similarly, those who are infected with HIV, is very open opportunities in TB infected eksogen.

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates the HIV infection in the past year, triggering at least 1.4 million cases of active TB, which should not happen. Have someone with the HIV-positive and infected with TB, has 30 times more easily they fell ill with TB, compared the health status of HIV-negative.

One of the issues that concern from the "blend" between TB and AIDS disease is the occurrence of resistance ganda (multidrug resistance, MDR), which became one of the main issues in the handling of TB in the world right now.

Previous TB disease can be cured with the usual standard treatment regularly for six months. However, people with MDR-TB must be treated with water and injected six types of drugs, at least for two years, with the cost of which can be hundreds of times more expensive compared with the previous standard TB treatment.

Scientific journals such as Harvard Public Health Review even when the treatment of MDR-TB can trigger side effects, from acute feeling of nausea, relief process suffer from deafness, and depression conditions.

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