20 April 2009

Do NOT underestimate pain HEAD

"Health is the public health disturbances that often occur. Survey shows, 90% people never feel the headache. But never menyepelekan this disease, because so many possibilities that occur behind the pain is "

In the general community and the light does not care about the headache. Many diseases that bring headaches as symptoms start. Ranging from mild conditions such as when suffering from influenza, such as the condition of the brain tumor, even as a life threatening brain haemorrhage.

Therefore we should not underestimate sick headache. For the body, pain is a sign of irregularity, tells the body there is something wrong with our health.

If mild headache and quickly lost, irregularity that may be mild. Conversely, when often repeated, along with sense of nausea, vomiting or disturbances of vision and hearing, we need to be wary.

The spark:
Stress factors, emotional, fatigue, a noisy environment, maintain the position of a particular type, such as the wheel or can trigger headache types tense. This is especially experienced by many women of the age of four, going on the forehead, in the second temple, the back of the head.

The factor of food or beverages that contain nitrate, alcohol, chocolate, cheese and MSG are also often accused as spark painful migraine headache.
Migraine starts in and around the eye or temple, spread to one side the head, and beat, along with loss of appetite, nausea or vomiting, fotofobia.

Is high blood pressure can cause headaches? High blood pressure rarely causes headache, except for high blood pressure because of the weight of tumor in the adrenal gland, usually on the pressure of 120 mmHg diastolik. Nyerinya pulse and felt in the back of the head or crown of the head.

The existence of hormonal fluctuation, menepause, head trauma, and drugs may trigger the emergence of headache. Even the use of headache medication that would trigger the excessive weight the head aches.

Important in the note:
Most of the headache is a headache due to muscle tension, or migraine headache pain without clear cause. Also a lot of headaches associated with the aberration in the eyes, nose, throat, teeth and ears.

When the headache accompanied hysteria, heat or fever, vomiting is a sign of a serious aberration. Please also note the existence of a headache with sleeping or appears to wake up immediately after sleep, triggered because the goods or cough, and appear after the age of 55 years and over.

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