26 April 2009

A New Earth

How happens if there is a planet similar to earth? Is there life there? Will the man can become the life of another?
Curiosity about life than the earth, the human mind tickle. Moreover, for the scientists who work daily in the field of research and observation of other possibilities in space.

Surprising news, as well as a starting point for further investigation of life outside the earth, is the latest findings about the alleged existence of factors that support life on the planet Gliese 581 and Gliese 581 e d.

a University of origin Astrofisika Geneva, Switzerland, Michel Mayor, the findings reveal that during the press conference at the University of Herfordshire, Tuesday (21 / 4), in the National Astronomy and Science European solar system.

Gliese 581 e, said Mayor, has similarities with the earth in terms of size. Meanwhile, Gliese 581 d, has a character similar to Earth. Consider symptoms, the second planet of your entry in habitable zone (can be settled) can potentially be inhabited by the living creatures. Second planet is located in the constellation Libra.

"The planet Earth Berbatu similar in lokasik which enables living creatures to develop this research eksoplanet is a milestone," said the Mayor. Eksoplanet is for a planet-earth-like planet outside solar system sun.

Planet e gliese 581 large-sized 1.9 times the Earth. During this time, the planet outside the solar system the Sun was found that if the planet Jupiter with Jupiter dianalogi Football Games, the 1000 Earth can accommodate that as much as marbles.

Although the potential candidates to be Earth-like planet, Gliese 581, however e is too close to the solar system, The Gliese stars. The planet has a very hot temperature for the continuance of living beings.

How about the chance Planet Gliese 581 d? The astronom enter a planet that is found in 2007 in the habitable zone (can be settled). Gliese 581 d location of the central solar system, allowing water to melt the surface of this planet.

Koloega Mayor, Stephane Udry, said, Gliese 581 d is not only the most likely form of stones. "The planet that the oceans could have a broad and deep. This planet is a serious candidate who has a spare planet's water, "said Stephane.

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