28 April 2009

What is the Flu ... Pigs

Swine flu influenza is a disease caused by influenza A virus subtype H1N1. This virus is spread through animals, especially animal pigs, and there is a possibility of transmission between humans through.

Symptoms of flu swine influenza-like illness with clinical symptoms such as fever, cough, runny nose, lethargic, tired, sore throat, rapid or slow breath (shortness of breath), along with nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Mortality due to swine flu interference occurs because the lungs and pneumonia.

The period of incubation for 3 - 5 days. How can spread through the air and / or direct contact with the swine flu sufferer.

Prevention of swine flu can be done with the pattern of living clean and healthy, such as washing hands before eating, after going to the toilet and contact with animals.

Swine flu virus was pendemi in the year 1918, known as Spanis Flu. At that time approximately 50 - 60 million citizens of the world fell ill swine flu.
Source: Reuters.

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TB - HIV / AIDS Global Threats.

Diseases Tuberkolosis (tubercle baccilus or TB) not only become a major health problem for developing countries, but is seen as a threat to global public health world.

Number of TB patients in Indonesia is the third most countries in the world after India and China, with the number of patients in about 10% of the total number of people with TB in the world.

Each year there are estimated 539,000 new cases and 101,000 deaths of people. TB incidence cases with positive acid resistant bacillus around 110 per 100,000 population diperburuk his situation by the threat of HIV infection, so it is increasingly difficult. HIV and TB are diseases that kill and integrated its second cause of disease for people with bad effects.

In the countries with high prevalence of TB infected by TB germs (in the body there are TB bacteria in konsidi dormant or inactive). They are not sick, because the resistance body in good condition. However, when the body's resistance had fallen (or was damaged by AIDS), the bacteria in the body will rise as a result reaktifasi endogen, and trigger the occurrence of TB.

Similarly, those who are infected with HIV, is very open opportunities in TB infected eksogen.

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates the HIV infection in the past year, triggering at least 1.4 million cases of active TB, which should not happen. Have someone with the HIV-positive and infected with TB, has 30 times more easily they fell ill with TB, compared the health status of HIV-negative.

One of the issues that concern from the "blend" between TB and AIDS disease is the occurrence of resistance ganda (multidrug resistance, MDR), which became one of the main issues in the handling of TB in the world right now.

Previous TB disease can be cured with the usual standard treatment regularly for six months. However, people with MDR-TB must be treated with water and injected six types of drugs, at least for two years, with the cost of which can be hundreds of times more expensive compared with the previous standard TB treatment.

Scientific journals such as Harvard Public Health Review even when the treatment of MDR-TB can trigger side effects, from acute feeling of nausea, relief process suffer from deafness, and depression conditions.
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27 April 2009

United States and Mexico attacked Flu Pigs

In 2005, with the bustling world of Bird Flu, is now the successor is more Flu Pigs. Pig Flu outbreak spreads quickly in Mexico, and began spreading to the United States, Saturday 25 April 2009 yesterday. At least 68 people died in Mexico, while the U.S. Government reported 8 residents had with the flu.

Theaters, museums, and entertainment venues in the city of Mexico is closed to prevent flu outbreaks pacification. International health officials said, this flu virus can spread to other people without direct contact with patients.

WHO said the virus is derived from 12 patients Mexico, to 12 patients suffering from the disease caused by a new variant of swine flu virus.

Different genetic
During the regular flu vaccine can be used to protect people from the H1N1 virus attack. However, a new virus variant has a different genetic arrangement. Genetic analysis showed, that new variants is a combination of flu virus of swine, human, and poultry.

U.S. health experts are developing vaccines against new variants of flu virus is. However, it is estimated that the new vaccine can be produced for several months longer.

The facts show, the majority of flu patients who died aged around 25 to 45 years. "We realize this issue very seriously," said Mexican President Felipe Calderón.

As the impact of the pandemic flu, the two major football rivalry in Mexico held without spectators. Finnish Rock group The Rasmus also cancel their concert in the city of Mexico.
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26 April 2009

Smartphone vs Nokia

Competition, or smartphone smart phone more tightly. Nokia dominance over this type of mobile phone market is shaky nulai. Some brands such as Blackberry and the iPhone began to seize "cake" among the mobile phone for this business. In addition, there is still a Samsung, and HTC is ready to compete.

Two years ago Nokia is still 70% of the smartphone market, but is now down to be 41%. The decline occurred because of the emergence of the new Blackberry and the iPhone is considered to be more able to meet the needs of consumers at this time.

Blackberry market share jumped from the original 10.9% to 19.5%. While the iPhone's 5.2% to 10.7%. Following samsung and HTC are also increased.

Before the flare, such as a smart phone now, can dikata Nokia is a single player for smartphone. Starting with the emergence Communikator Nokia 9210, and 3660, 7610, 6600, 9500, to E90.

For now only have two Nokia smart phone is still relatively new, namely E71 and E65, but its presence is not so fenomenal such as E90, and 9500 series. No more long queue, because at the same time Research In Motion (rim) is also the Blackberry, Apple launches iPhone

Marketing is very fantastic Blackberry.
For the global market so far has been Rim sell 25 million units Blackberry. Year 2009, the Canadian vendor is planning to sell 50 million units of various types throughout the world.

Rim considered charming moment when utilizing the internet boom around the world. Many people want the presence of the device that can access email without the need to go to the web.

With the Blackberry, email can be received the withdrawal to receive SMS. Technology, often called the push mail is also applied to other mobile phone. But blackberry push mail in a unique and interesting.

Blackberry has been marketed through 475 partner operators in 160 countries in the world.

iPhone 3G.
Nokia is another competitor to the Apple iPhone 3G mainstay. Mobile phone design with a beautiful layer that has relieved and sharp, clear sound eras dank, fast performance, and how to access the menu that is very different compared to other mobile phone.

Touch screen technology, using its "capacitive touchscreen that utilize static electricity caused when the finger touches the layer. This causes the layer touching the mobile phone is very responsive with a light touch.

Other advantage is the accelerometer sensor layer to change the display automatically, proximity sensor that can automatically turn on or turn off the phone when the hands come up, scratch-resistant layer, and a light sensor that automatically set the brightness level layer of the atmosphere around.
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A New Earth

How happens if there is a planet similar to earth? Is there life there? Will the man can become the life of another?
Curiosity about life than the earth, the human mind tickle. Moreover, for the scientists who work daily in the field of research and observation of other possibilities in space.

Surprising news, as well as a starting point for further investigation of life outside the earth, is the latest findings about the alleged existence of factors that support life on the planet Gliese 581 and Gliese 581 e d.

a University of origin Astrofisika Geneva, Switzerland, Michel Mayor, the findings reveal that during the press conference at the University of Herfordshire, Tuesday (21 / 4), in the National Astronomy and Science European solar system.

Gliese 581 e, said Mayor, has similarities with the earth in terms of size. Meanwhile, Gliese 581 d, has a character similar to Earth. Consider symptoms, the second planet of your entry in habitable zone (can be settled) can potentially be inhabited by the living creatures. Second planet is located in the constellation Libra.

"The planet Earth Berbatu similar in lokasik which enables living creatures to develop this research eksoplanet is a milestone," said the Mayor. Eksoplanet is for a planet-earth-like planet outside solar system sun.

Planet e gliese 581 large-sized 1.9 times the Earth. During this time, the planet outside the solar system the Sun was found that if the planet Jupiter with Jupiter dianalogi Football Games, the 1000 Earth can accommodate that as much as marbles.

Although the potential candidates to be Earth-like planet, Gliese 581, however e is too close to the solar system, The Gliese stars. The planet has a very hot temperature for the continuance of living beings.

How about the chance Planet Gliese 581 d? The astronom enter a planet that is found in 2007 in the habitable zone (can be settled). Gliese 581 d location of the central solar system, allowing water to melt the surface of this planet.

Koloega Mayor, Stephane Udry, said, Gliese 581 d is not only the most likely form of stones. "The planet that the oceans could have a broad and deep. This planet is a serious candidate who has a spare planet's water, "said Stephane.
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24 April 2009

YAHOO ready Termination of Employee Relations Work

Giant information technology company, Yahoo Inc., will cut the number of employees of 5% in different countries. Landscape is not separated from the global economic conditions and the impact on the sluggish decline in income from the Yahoo ads on the internet in the first quarter. Yahoo net profit had fallen to 80% in the first three months of this year.

Yahoo is not immune from the global economy is sluggish at this time. But the expenditure carefully in the first quarter will improve our balance sheet to a target set. With our excellence in site search, innovative advertising solutions and other facilities, we are confident will have a good position in line with the improved its online advertising business "said Bartz, CEO of Yahoo.

Years ago until 2008 a number of employees reached 13,600 people and the company will give pocket money to the new wave of termination of employment in the second quarter. The Company will also be ordered when the operational activities Christmas holiday 25 December 2009 until 1 January 2010.

A balance sheet, not including a number of special items, reached 409 million U.S. dollars in the first quarter. Yahoo shares rose 54 cents, also on the position of 14.92 after the trading session on the stock exchange.

Financial reports to appear not long after the newspaper giant IT companies that will establish cooperation in the field of the Internet with Microsoft Corp. Previous two companies failed to reach agreement concerning merger negotiations.

However, the news concerning Microsoft ditepis Bartz. Although the site is a search business is a very high value Bgi my business.

Up to since the first quarter, led by Bartz, yahoo have 1:58 billion in income the U.S. dollar, down 13% from the same period a year back. Income outside of a Traffic Acquisition Costs (TAC) for 1:16 billion U.S. dollars, higher than the amount that some observers estimated that only 1.2 billion U.S. dollars.
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Board Information Digital Trends

Light the lamp has a bias power attraction. So that the lights are often used to attract people. See, above the door of the office, banks, shopping malls and the city gate, not the little box to install and run any posts listed therein "Welcome". The text that emerged from the light beam in the box or moving sing-called digital display.

Landscape is commonly found in various places and information boards that are now the trend. Innovation is not only practical but also elegant impressive. When compared to any posts on the board or paper, writing with the technology moving more class. Moreover, the box lists the various nbisa any posts with various display animation.

For the smallest size for example, even though it only shows 11 characters, but is able to accommodate any posts about 8000 characters that are stored in a memory. Writings also can be tailored to the needs, such as "Welcome, Happy New Year, Happy Birthday" or even the name of a company or restaurant. It can also display the hours and calendar. Also how to write simple, simply connected directly to the computer without a keyboard.

Board digital information is usually the type to use for dot matrix installed in the indoor, and type of LED lights installed for the regular outdoor and also in the room.

In addition to moving lights, a number of digital light also can be seen in the MG shop, Mall, Hotel, Airport, Railway Station. Form can be a digital clock, digital queue, down counter, the exchange rate for the banking board, the score for the game board sports, digital thermal to measure temperature, and a trend is used as a traffic Light.
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23 April 2009

Note when the headache

Given the headaches often be symptoms of most diseases, we must have a strong spirit to fight. In the long term, we can fight with the headache of how to control factors.

We each feel the pain immediately note! at emergence, long the sick and painful. Including whether the illness is mild or heavy, or the extent to which pain affects the day-to-day activities.
Not only that. We can also write down the possible trigger factors, such as a headache after the hit the wall, or after enjoying a drink / some food.

Are the factors that alleviate or even aggravate the pain. If indeed there is, please feel free to write notes in the daily headaches.

This diary is very useful to provide a description of the headaches we experienced. Of this note is a lot of information about the pattern of headaches and issues that should be avoided. Also helps to see a doctor, when we control or check.

Doctor will usually do the examination, to analyze, then give treatment.
There are several ways without drugs that can help overcome / reduce the headache. Among them warm bath water and massage therapy. Should be at peace with the stress, the balance between work and rest. Avoid environmental influences that can trigger headaches, such as blazing sun, cigarette smoke, dust and certain chemicals.

Following tips to reduce risk of headache:
1. Observed factors spark the emergence of headache
2. reduce or avoid stress
3. stop smoking
4. Do not consume too many drugs pain remover
5. reduce drinking alcoholic beverages
6. enough sleep or rest
7. eat a balanced food
8. Exercise regularly
9. often routine health control
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21 April 2009

LED, Lights Save Energy

The light is so useful when night comes. The atmosphere felt intimidating if you do not have lights shining. But to make the night feel alive, is also required electric energy is not small. In fact, thousands of dollars to the burden that must be paid by each citizen to pay a monthly electricity account.

To increase its charges, it is necessary to choose energy efficient lighting. One is LED (light emitting diode). The lamp is a semiconductor that change electrical energy into light. LED device is a hard and dense (solid-state component), so superior in terms of resilience.

LED with different fluorescent and incandescent lamps. Fluorescent lamp or incandescent lamp using filamen thin glass globe in the empty air. Electric current flows and heat filamen. At very high temperatures, glowing light on the filamen. When bolam oxygen leak and the filamen heat, the chemical reaction will occur so that the lamp is broken and can not be used again.

While Fluorescent or neon lamp requires mercury vapor to produce ultraviolet rays (UV light). Sinar is absorbed phosphorus that coat the inside of glass so the light will turn. Heat generated slightly more than the bulb, but still have the energy lost when processing ultraviolet rays into light kasat eyes.

Incandescent and fluorescent lights not in use after its bolam broken, but not so with the LED. The lamp is a type of solid-state lighting (SSL) and use the solid as a source of lighting is not so easily be damaged if the drop or bolam its broken. Placed with a collection of LED distance meeting to make the light brighter. One lamp can survive more than 30 thousand hours, and even reach 100 thousand hours.

LED only has a 4 color kasat eye, ie red, yellow, green, and blue. Rays to produce perfect white, the color of the light spectrum are combined. The most common color is merging red, yellow, green.

This lamp comes from the semiconductor material, not manufactured out of carbon material. When the LED is used throughout the world, the total electric energy for lighting can be reduced to 50%. Offset carbon emissions generated world could reach 300 million tons per day.
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20 April 2009

Do NOT underestimate pain HEAD

"Health is the public health disturbances that often occur. Survey shows, 90% people never feel the headache. But never menyepelekan this disease, because so many possibilities that occur behind the pain is "

In the general community and the light does not care about the headache. Many diseases that bring headaches as symptoms start. Ranging from mild conditions such as when suffering from influenza, such as the condition of the brain tumor, even as a life threatening brain haemorrhage.

Therefore we should not underestimate sick headache. For the body, pain is a sign of irregularity, tells the body there is something wrong with our health.

If mild headache and quickly lost, irregularity that may be mild. Conversely, when often repeated, along with sense of nausea, vomiting or disturbances of vision and hearing, we need to be wary.

The spark:
Stress factors, emotional, fatigue, a noisy environment, maintain the position of a particular type, such as the wheel or can trigger headache types tense. This is especially experienced by many women of the age of four, going on the forehead, in the second temple, the back of the head.

The factor of food or beverages that contain nitrate, alcohol, chocolate, cheese and MSG are also often accused as spark painful migraine headache.
Migraine starts in and around the eye or temple, spread to one side the head, and beat, along with loss of appetite, nausea or vomiting, fotofobia.

Is high blood pressure can cause headaches? High blood pressure rarely causes headache, except for high blood pressure because of the weight of tumor in the adrenal gland, usually on the pressure of 120 mmHg diastolik. Nyerinya pulse and felt in the back of the head or crown of the head.

The existence of hormonal fluctuation, menepause, head trauma, and drugs may trigger the emergence of headache. Even the use of headache medication that would trigger the excessive weight the head aches.

Important in the note:
Most of the headache is a headache due to muscle tension, or migraine headache pain without clear cause. Also a lot of headaches associated with the aberration in the eyes, nose, throat, teeth and ears.

When the headache accompanied hysteria, heat or fever, vomiting is a sign of a serious aberration. Please also note the existence of a headache with sleeping or appears to wake up immediately after sleep, triggered because the goods or cough, and appear after the age of 55 years and over.
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