31 May 2009

Israel ready to attack New Gaza? and Dispose of Nuclear Waste in the Land of Palestine

JERUSALEM - Israel may be preparing attacks are new to the Gaza Strip. The Jewish State has been reminded, cease-fire with Palestinian resistance group Hamas, could be stopped at any time.

"Cease-fire has not been perfect and very easy to shatter," said a senior official quoted the statement of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the cabinet meeting, Sunday (31/5/2009) yesterday. Israel the unilateral cease-fire in mid-January marks the end of three weekend attacks on the occupied territories is Hamas. Attacks that killed 1300 people and injure another 5,500.

In that opportunity, Netanyahu also said, disregard the possibility is opened and its blockade of the country's border with Gaza Strip.

"We have been requested to facilitate the life of the population of Gaza and allow goods in, but we have other priorities in the Gaza Strip," he added.

He added that his side will not strengthen Hamas. "Not allowing them to re-build the defense," he said.

Israel point long since Hamas smuggle weapons to Gaza. But Hamas said, as the holder of power in the region, the government is entitled to protect themselves with weapons

Hamas is the legitimate winner of legislative elections in Palestine in 2006. Hamas control Gaza since June 2008. But victory did not get a response from Western countries. Although the parliament, the opposition group, never involved in the peace agreement.

Dispose of Nuclear Waste israel in the Land of Palestine

WEST BANK - Israel is not only to seize Palestinian land, waste chemicals are disposed in the Palestinian territories so that residents who make a living in exile around the disease.

Deputy Director of the Palestinian Environment Authority as quoted Jamil Mtoor Press TV, Friday (22/5/2009), said Israel has to do with the breach of the trash and waste as well as expand its disposal area where the.

"During several years, companies Israel has to remove hazardous and solid waste in different areas in the West Bank," said Mtoor.

"They use the land in the Palestinian village called Shoukba near Ramallah to remove x-ray film, chemicals that can cause cancer. Consequently, many people who suffer asthma and other related diseases," he added.

Witnesses said, Israeli companies have also bury thousands of chickens infected with bird flu virus in Nablus, West Bank east.

Even Israel is also suspected to remove the nuclear waste facility that is only a few kilometers from the town of Al Khalil (Hebron), southern West Bank. Israel nuclear activities have been started since 1955.

Some residents have found a location that has been built with cement walls. A research says, radioactive levels in the region was very high.

In 1995 to 2007, as much 415 cases of cancer found in the location of disposal. Not including hundreds of cases of mothers who give birth are not normal.
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Tip Create a Great and Beautiful Eyes

The eye is the window heart. Beauty radiated through the corner of the eyeball and the eye of the beautiful. However, not all women have the confidence that with the higher form of their eyes, especially for those who have a form of eye sipit and small.

However, with corrective make up techniques can bring on the woman with the extraordinary form of the beautiful eyes.

To get the big eyes and beautiful, there are a few tips that must be considered carefully. As Sheknows made, some of the stages necessary to get big and shining eyes, among them:

Application of light eye shadow color;

Create the impression a large and rounded on the two eyes can be started with the use of light-colored eye shadow. Avoid using dark colored eye shadow, because the cause of the small effect. The presence of light colored eye shadow as it were 'open' the eyes look wider and more brilliant.
Select two different color tone, color of the light application across the lid to the bottom of the eyebrow, then add the darker color in the outside corner of the eye, to the oles in almost half the lid. Add the shimmer eye shadow with the color white in the corner of an impression in the eyes for more fresh and sexy.

Trim eye brow;

The form of the eyebrow is not neat can also take the form of beauty. To look pretty, glamor, tidy second time eye brow eyebrow shape with a more seduce. Eye brow tends to be made if the effect will appear more mature, beautiful and elegant. This also makes the eyes seem wider from the previous.

Describe the shape of the eye pencil

Want to see big eyes and rounded with a perfect, then you must use eye pencil to the max results
imal. Describe the shape of the eye pencil to the top and bottom corner of the eye. I wonder how this could have brought the desired shape.

Take advantage of the false eyelash

Effect cilia that thick and long that can make eyes appear wider. So that the eyes look more sexy and beautiful, use a blindfold. When the appearance is less satisfactory, there is no one trying to use false eyelash. Adjust the thickness and length of cilia that do not disrupt the false appearance.
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नए चेहरों न्यूयॉर्क फैशन वीक में

खुदरा उद्योग के मध्य पिछले वर्ष के बाद से एक वैश्विक संकट वृद्धि करने के लिए घूम रहा है. हालांकि, बिक्री जाहिरा तौर पर एक महत्वपूर्ण प्रभाव प्रदान नहीं किया है.

गर्दन ऊन जैकेट को catwalk पर नवीनतम शैली हो सकती है. लेकिन न केवल यह है कि न्यूयॉर्क में नया. मोड सप्ताहांत के नए चेहरे के सत्यापन के लिए मंच होगा.

इसलिए, पिछले मोड में वर्ष की शुरुआत में राजस्व बढ़ाने के लिए एक ही रणनीति होगी. क्योंकि कुछ उछालभरी बड़ी नाम डिजाइनरों और दिग्गजों Vera वैंग, Betsey जॉनसन और मार्क Valvo कारमेन जैसे, प्रस्तुति की नियमित मोड से अनुपस्थित करने का फैसला किया फिर भी, न्यूयॉर्क फैशन वीक में भी धमकी दी है.

वे एक निजी प्रदर्शन को प्रदर्शन करने का निर्णय लिया सस्ते होते हैं. सच यह है कि हालांकि यह आशावाद परिवर्तन नहीं करता है. IMG फैशन, आयोजकों न्यूयॉर्क फैशन वीक में सितंबर में अपेक्षाकृत अधिक फरवरी 70 के डिजाइनर के संग्रह के कारण वर्तमान शरद ऋतु और सर्दियों 2009/2010 के लिए चमकीला है.

"इस वर्ष, Carolina Herrera और टॉमी Hilfiger अभी भी हमेशा की तरह इस अनुसूची का पालन करेंगे," प्रवक्ता IMG कहा.

कार्यसूची के अधिकांश के नाम भी बाहर, नए डिजाइनर बनाने आगे और आज़ादी से कदम प्रदर्शन क्षमताओं के रूप में न्यूयॉर्क फैशन वीक घटना के लिए रनवे का उपयोग करें.

निकोलस कश्मीर, एडम Lippes, और Rast, एक नया लेबल जस्टिन Timberlake के स्वामित्व जैसे कि घर के लिए, Anyar मोड, यह है कि बर्बाद नहीं किया जाना चाहिए एक मौका है. तो भी "", छोटा सा भी इस अवसर के लिए उन्हें मध्य सप्ताह में जब क्रेता में सप्ताहांत अधिक बजाय वर्तमान है प्रदर्शित करने के लिए किया जाएगा के लिए डिजाइनर.
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وجوه جديدة في أسبوع الموضة في نيويورك

صناعة التجزئة يتجه إلى أزمة عالمية الارتفاع منذ منتصف العام الماضي. ومع ذلك ، يبدو أن المبيعات لم تقدم له أثر كبير.

العنق سترة من الصوف وربما تكون الاخيرة على اسلوب المنصة. ولكن لا يكفي أن الجديد في نيويورك. طريقة نهاية الاسبوع ستكون مرحلة للتحقق من وجوه جديدة.

لذلك ، آخر وسيلة لتكون استراتيجية إلا إلى زيادة الإيرادات في بداية العام. ومع ذلك ، وأسبوع الموضة في نيويورك ، كما هدد بعض نطاط لأن اسم كبير المصممين مثل قدامى المحاربين وفيرا وانغ ، بيتسي جونسون ومارك Valvo كارمن ، قررت أن تغيب عن طريقة العرض العادية.

وقرروا أن يؤدوا أداء القطاع الخاص عادة ما تكون أرخص. لكن الحقيقة هي أنه لا يغير من التفاؤل. عرض وطلب الأزياء منظمي أسبوع الموضة في نيويورك ، وقال في ايلول / سبتمبر بدلا من ذلك لامع 70 شباط / فبراير بسبب مجموعة المصمم لهذا الخريف والشتاء 2009/2010.

"وفي هذا العام ، كارولينا هيريرا Hilfiger تومي وستظل تتبع الجدول الزمني على النحو المعتاد" ، وقال المتحدث باسم وعرض وطلب.

حتى أصل أسماء أكثر من جدول الأعمال ، وفتح فرص جديدة للمضي قدما المصممين بحرية أكبر في استخدام المدرج لأسبوع الموضة في نيويورك الحدث قدرات الأداء.

Anyar طريقة للمنزل ، مثل نيكولاس كاف ، Lippes آدم ، وراست ، وهي التسمية الجديدة التي يملكها جوستين تيمبرليك ، وهذه فرصة يجب ألا تضيع. ذلك أيضا مصمم ل"صغيرة" ، وحتى تكون هذه فرصة لهم للظهور في منتصف الاسبوع عندما المشتري موجود في أكثر بدلا من نهاية الاسبوع
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Neue Gesichter in der New York Fashion Week

Einzelhandel bewegt sich zu einer globalen Krise steigen seit Mitte letzten Jahres. Die Verkäufe haben offenbar auch nicht einen erheblichen Einfluss.

Hals Wolle Jacke können die neuesten Stil auf den Laufsteg. Aber nicht nur, dass die neu in New York. Modus des Wochenendes werden die Voraussetzungen für die Überprüfung der neuen Gesichter.

Daher letzten Modus ein, um die einzige Strategie zur Erhöhung der Einnahmen zu Beginn des Jahres. Dennoch, New York Fashion Week ist auch bedroht, weil einige große Namen bouncy Designern und Veteranen wie Vera Wang, Betsey Johnson und Carmen Marc Valvo beschlossen, nicht in den regulären Modus der Darstellung.

Sie beschlossen, um eine private Leistung billiger. Die Tatsache ist, aber es ändert nichts an der Optimismus. IMG Fashion, Veranstalter New York Fashion Week, sagte im September ist nicht mehr flamboyanten Februar 70, da der Designer-Kollektion für die Herbst-und Winter 2009/2010.

"In diesem Jahr, Carolina Herrera und Tommy Hilfiger wird noch folgen Sie den Zeitplan wie gewohnt", sagte Sprecher IMG.

Auch die Namen der meisten von der Tagesordnung, neue Designer bewegen uns mehr frei Nutzung der Start-und Landebahn für die New York Fashion Week Veranstaltung Leistungsfähigkeit.

Anyar-Modus für das Haus, wie Nicholas K, Adam Lippes, und Rast, ein neues Label im Besitz von Justin Timberlake, ist dies eine Gelegenheit, die nicht verschwendet werden. So auch der Designer für die "kleine", auch dies wird die Möglichkeit für sie, die in der Mitte der Woche, wenn der Käufer ist in mehr als am Wochenende.
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New Faces in New York Fashion Week

Retail industry is moving to a global crisis rise since mid last year. However, sales apparently have not provided a significant impact.

Necked wool jacket may be the latest style on the catwalk. But not only that the new in New York. Mode of the weekend will be the stage for the verification of the new faces.

Therefore, last mode to be the only strategy to increase revenue at the beginning of the year. Nevertheless, New York Fashion Week is also threatened because some bouncy big name designers and veterans such as Vera Wang, Betsey Johnson and Carmen Marc Valvo, decided to absent from the regular mode of presentation.

They decided to perform a private performance tend to be cheaper. The fact is, however it does not change the optimism. IMG Fashion, organizers New York Fashion Week, said in the September is rather more flamboyant February 70 because of the designer's collection for the present autumn and winter 2009/2010.

"This year, Carolina Herrera and Tommy Hilfiger will still follow the schedule as usual," said spokesman IMG.

Even out the names of most of the agenda, create new designers move forward more freely use the runway for New York Fashion Week event as performance capabilities.

Anyar mode for the home, such as Nicholas K, Adam Lippes, and Rast, a new label owned by Justin Timberlake, this is an opportunity that should not be wasted. So also the designer for the "small", even this will be the opportunity for them to appear in mid-week when the buyer is present in more rather than the weekend.
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26 May 2009

Red Bull Drink Containing cocaine

Be careful that you frequently consume energy drinks. May be, these drinks contain cocaine, as found in the labeled drink Red Bull.

German government recently prohibited retailer in Germany to sell drink brand Red Bull berenergi. This is a test carried out following a finding of cocaine in the womb have a drink.

As dilansir Straits Times, Wednesday (27/5/2009), in a test in North Rhine, Westphalia city, found 0.4 per liter mikrogram cocaine in each bottle to drink it. However, the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment said that the German level of cocaine in the drink is very low risk to health.

Meanwhile, the Red Bull party rebut it. According to him, adala Cola drinks are not dangerous and can be marketed in both countries the United States and Europe.

Red Bull has its own composition leaf extract Cola used the same all over the world. And in a test of the commission itself does not find the cocaine in the drink.
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Choisir les formes de verres disponibles Face

Saviez-vous que les verres trouvé en premier? Verres a d'abord été connu en Chine dans le siècle à midi. Lens est composé de quartz qui forment la pierre plate. À l'époque devant les juges en Chine utilisent les lunettes pour cacher leurs expressions lorsqu'il s'agit de témoins. Et à la fin, tous les tribunaux dans diverses parties du monde également suivre cette voie.

Avec le développement de la technologie, les lunettes peuvent être utilisées comme un moyen de lecture. Avec des matériaux de lentilles en verre. Il ya des lueurs moins, il ya aussi un plus. Tous sont adaptés aux besoins de l'œil.

Puis, mes lunettes ont commencé à être utilisés pour compléter la mode. Avec une sélection de cadres de couleur, lentilles de modèle et de protection supplémentaires des rayons UV.

Pas beaucoup de gens à choisir des lunettes parce que, selon certaines personnes, non pas en fonction de faire face à la forme. Nombreux sont ceux qui ont passer à des lentilles de contact. Parce que, selon eux, plus pratique et d'offrir plus de confiance en soi. Toutefois, les lunettes sont une meilleure option que les lentilles de contact. Plus sûr, et vous pouvez encore l'utiliser lorsque le style.

Tu ne veux certainement pas de porter des lunettes derrière la tendance à droite? Yuk intip modèle de lunettes qui correspondent à la forme de votre visage.

Beaucoup de gens n'ont pas confiance en portant des lunettes ou inquiets face à l'air tellement sérieux, livre poux ou pas vu de plus beau. Mais cela se produit généralement car l'utilisateur ne sait pas comment faire pour choisir les lunettes qui correspondent à la forme d'un visage. Il en va de même lors du choix de lunettes de soleil ou des lunettes de soleil. Pour choisir le droit des lunettes, il faut d'abord identifier ce que la forme de votre visage.

Il existe quatre types de visages qui sont généralement détenues par des femmes, ce qui est de forme ovale, ronde, carrée, ou de coeur. La forme exacte de lunettes, vous fera beaucoup look différent. Essayez de voir l'exemple suivant.

Rounded face;
N'hésitez pas à choisir un carré avec une couleur sombre, comme le noir ou si vous le souhaitez. Vous pouvez utiliser la couleur verte turqouise. La forme de l'image permettra de dissimuler ce visage arrondi. Le propriétaire de ce visage Miley Cyrus, Gabrielle Union, Katy Perry, et Jennifer Lopez. Si vous avez un certain type de face-ronde, vous pouvez utiliser le cadre de forme carrée ou rectangulaire, avec un coin. En image 2, Miley Cyrus oblong porter des lunettes pour éviter un avis de la barre.

Face au coeur;
Les propriétaires face le coeur est, en général, ont le front qui est assez grand, et puis à la plus mince. Ainsi, parfois, le menton est très impressionnant pignon. Ne vous inquiétez pas! Vous pouvez encore apparaître enchain avec cadre ovale. Vivre suffit de sélectionner la couleur cadrer. Vous êtes libre d'expérimenter avec cette couleur. En forme de coeur face a un large front, le menton, mais avec le cône. Les exemples sont AnnaLynne McCord, Mariah Carey, Lady Gaga, Reese Witherspoon, et Ashley Olsen. Les personnes atteintes de visage en forme de cœur avec un style qui convenait à lancer votre visage, comme le Aviator (lunettes de pilote de chasse). Cadre avec la forme rectangulaire est aussi très cool. Dans le tableau 4, Reese Witherspoon Aviator son utilisation.

Visage ovale;
Chaque jour, semble changer de forme framespun ne pas être un problème pour vous. Heureusement, vous avez le visage ovale de forme, car la forme d'un visage, comme cela est très flexible avec cadre lunettes quel que soit le modèle. Célébrités qui ont visage de forme ovale, entre autres, Angelina Jolie, Toni Collette, Eva Longoria, Lindsay Lohan, et Mary J. Blige. Dans l'image 1, vous pouvez voir Angelina Jolie avec des lunettes cadres octogone.

Square face;
Si vous avez un visage carré des verres qui sont adaptés à votre utilisation est à l'image des lunettes à l'avant en forme de courbe. La forme de lunettes de vous aider face à la place de dissimuler l'expression explicite. Au moins, l'impression sera doux. Choisissez votre couleur de cadre que vous le souhaitez. Quelque chose de spécial se présente sous la forme d'une solide mâchoire. Face à la forme, comme ce sera mieux avec des lunettes avec un angle de la courbe. Même si vous osez, vous pouvez imiter le style des lunettes de John Lennon arrondis. Ou encore, essayer de voir comment le style de Paris Hilton, Kate Hudson, Jennifer Aniston, Olivia Wilde, Kristin Chenoweth, ou, s'ils sont mis sur mes lunettes. Ils font également face à quadrate.
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Auswahl Gläser verfügbaren Formen von Face

Wussten Sie, dass die Brille gefunden zuerst? Gläser wurde erstmals in China in diesem Jahrhundert zwölf. Objektiv ist aus Stein, Quarz, die Wohnung. In der Ära vor dem Richter in China verwenden die Gläser, um sich zu verstecken ihre Ausdrucksformen im Umgang mit Zeugen. Und am Ende alle Gerichte in verschiedenen Teilen der Welt auch diesen Weg.

Zusammen mit der Entwicklung der Technologie, Gläser verwendet werden kann als ein Mittel zur Lesung. Mit Materialien aus Glas Linsen. Es sind minus schimmert, gibt es auch ein Plus. Alle sind auf die Bedürfnisse des Auges.

Dann begann meine Brille, die zur Ergänzung der Mode. Mit einer Auswahl der Farbe des Rahmens, Objektiv-Modell, und zusätzliche Schutzmaßnahmen von UV-Strahlen.

Nicht viele Menschen wählen, Gläser, da nach Meinung einiger Menschen, nicht nach Gesichtsform. Viele, die Umstellung auf Kontaktlinsen. Denn nach ihnen bequemer und mehr Selbstvertrauen. Allerdings, Gläser sind eine bessere Option als Kontaktlinsen. Mehr sicher, und Sie können immer noch, wenn die Stil.

Sie bestimmt nicht wollen, dass eine Brille hinter dem Trend Recht? Yuk intip Modell Gläser passen die mit dem Gesicht Form.

Viele Menschen sind nicht davon überzeugt, beim Tragen von Brillen oder besorgt Gesicht sieht so ernst, Buch Läuse oder nicht mehr gesehen schön. Aber diese in der Regel tritt auf, weil der Benutzer nicht wissen, wie zu wählen, dass die Gläser passen die Form eines Gesichts. Das gleiche gilt bei der Wahl Sonnenbrillen, oder Sonnenbrille. So wählen Sie die richtigen Gläser, muss man zunächst ermitteln, was Ihr Gesicht Form.

Es gibt vier Typen von Gesichtern, die in der Regel im Besitz von Frauen, die oval, rund, quadratisch, oder Herzen. Die genaue Form der Gläser, werden Sie sich viel anders aussehen. Versuchen Sie, um zu sehen, das folgende Beispiel.

Gerundet Gesicht;
Zögern Sie nicht, sich für eine quadratische Rahmen mit einer dunklen Farbe, wie schwarz oder wenn Sie wollen. Sie können die Farbe Grün Türkis. Die Form des Rahmens Dies wird dazu beitragen, Ihr Gesicht verschleiern gerundet. Der Besitzer eines solchen Gesicht Miley Cyrus, Gabrielle Union, Katy Perry und Jennifer Lopez. Wenn Sie eine bestimmte Art von Gesicht-Runde, können Sie die Rahmen-Form rechteckig oder quadratisch mit einer scharfen Ecke. In Bild 2, Miley Cyrus Brille längliche zu verhindern, dass ein zutreffendes Bild von der bar.
Face das Herz;
Die Eigentümer mit den Herzen ist, im Allgemeinen, haben die Stirn, die ist ziemlich groß, und dann auf die immer schlank. Also manchmal das Kinn ist sehr beeindruckend gabled. Machen Sie sich keine Sorgen! Sie können immer noch angezeigt, fesseln mit ovalen Rahmen. Leben wählen Sie einfach die Farbe umrahmen. Es steht Ihnen frei, zu experimentieren mit dieser Farbe. Herzförmige Gesicht hat eine breite Stirn, Kinn, aber mit dem Kegel. Beispiele hierfür sind AnnaLynne McCord, Mariah Carey, Lady gaga, Reese Witherspoon, und Ashley Olsen. Menschen mit Herz-förmige Gesicht mit einem Stil, geeignet werfen Ihrem Gesicht, wie die Aviator (Gläser Jagdflieger). Frame mit der rechteckigen Form ist auch ganz cool. Auf dem Bild 4, Reese Witherspoon Aviator seine Verwendung.

Oval Gesicht;
Jeden Tag scheint ihre Form verändern framespun kein Problem für Sie. Zum Glück haben Sie die ovale Gesichtsform, weil die Form der ein Gesicht wie das ist sehr flexibel mit Frame Brille Modell was auch immer. Promis, die ovale Gesichtsform, unter anderem Angelina Jolie, Toni Collette, Eva Longoria, Lindsay Lohan und Mary J. Blige. In Bild 1 sieht man Angelina Jolie mit Brillen Frames Achteck.

Square Gesicht;
Wenn Sie ein Quadrat mit der Brille, die geeignet sind, für Ihre Verwendung ist auf die Gläser Rahmen mit Bogen-förmige Kurve. Die Form der Gläser können Sie Platz im Gesicht verschleiern die ausdrückliche Ausdruck. Zumindest den Eindruck, wird weich. Wählen Sie Ihre Farbe Rahmen es wie Sie wollen. Etwas Besonderes ist in Form einer starken Kiefer. Gesichtserkennung mit der Form, wie diese aussehen wird besser mit Brille mit einem weichen Ecke der Kurve. Auch wenn Sie es wagen, können Sie imitieren den Stil der runden Brille John Lennon. Oder versuchen Sie es zu sehen, wie der Stil der Paris Hilton, Kate Hudson, Jennifer Aniston, Olivia Wilde, Kristin Chenoweth, oder, wenn sie auf meine Brille. Sie sind auch QUADRATISCH.
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Choosing glasses Available Forms of Face

Did you know that the glasses found first? Glasses was first known in China in the century to twelve. Lens is made of quartz stone which formed flat. In the era before the judges in China use the glasses to hide their expressions when dealing with witnesses. And in the end all the courts in various parts of the world also follow this way.

Along with the development of technology, glasses can be used as a means of reading. With materials made of glass lenses. There are glimmers minus, there are also a plus. All are tailored to the needs of the eye.

Then, my glasses began to be used to complement fashion. With a selection of frame color, lens model, and additional protective of UV rays.

Not many people choose glasses because according to some people, not according to face shape. Many who switch to contact lenses. Because according to them more convenient and provide more self-confidence. However, glasses are a better option than contact lenses. More secure, and you can still use it when the style.

You certainly do not want to wear glasses behind the trend right? Yuk intip model glasses which fit with your face shape.

Many people are not confident when wearing glasses or worried face looks so serious, book lice or not seen more beautiful. But this usually occurs because the user does not know how to choose glasses that fit the form of a face. The same applies when choosing sunglasses, or sunglasses. To choose the right glasses, you first identify what your face shape.

There are four types of faces that are generally owned by women, which is oval, round, square, or heart. The exact form of glasses, will make you look much different look. Try to see the following example.

Rounded face;
Do not hesitate to choose a square frame with a dark color, like black or if you want. You can use the color green turqouise. The form of the frame this will help disguise your face rounded. The owner of such face Miley Cyrus, Gabrielle Union, Katy Perry, and Jennifer Lopez. If you're a certain kind of face-round, you can use the frame-shaped rectangular or square with a sharp corner. In image 2, Miley Cyrus wear glasses oblong to prevent a suitable view of the bar.

Face the heart;
The owners face the heart is, in general, have the brow that is quite big, and then down to the increasingly slim. So sometimes the chin is very impressive gabled. Do not worry! You can still appear enchain with oval frame. Living just select the color frame it. You are free to experiment with this color. Heart-shaped face has a wide forehead, chin, but with the taper. Examples are AnnaLynne McCord, Mariah Carey, Lady gaga, Reese Witherspoon, and Ashley Olsen. People with heart-shaped face with a style that suited toss your face, such as the Aviator (glasses fighter pilot). Frame with the rectangular shape is also quite cool. In the picture 4, Reese Witherspoon Aviator its use.

Oval face;
Every day seems to change shape framespun not be a problem for you. Fortunately you have the oval face shape, because the form of a face like this is very flexible with frame eyeglasses model whatever. Celebrities who have oval face shape, among others, Angelina Jolie, Toni Collette, Eva Longoria, Lindsay Lohan, and Mary J. Blige. In image 1 you can see Angelina Jolie with eyeglasses frames octagon.

Square face;
If you have a square face of the glasses that are suitable for your use is on the glasses frame with bow-shaped curve. The form of glasses will help you square the face disguise the explicit expression. At least, the impression will appear soft. Choose your color frame it as you want. Something special is in the form of a strong jaw. Face with the form like this will look better with glasses with a soft corner of the curve. Even if you dare, you can mimic the style of rounded glasses John Lennon. Or, try to see how the style of Paris Hilton, Kate Hudson, Jennifer Aniston, Olivia Wilde, Kristin Chenoweth, or, when put on my glasses. They also face quadrate.
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Nuclear test, North Korea has been away two rudal and earthquake

A South Korean news reports, North Korea has been away two rudal short distance from the launch of a place on the east coast of Korea in the trial, on Tuesday (26 / 5).

Yonhap news agency quoted government sources reported that rudal distance of 130 kilometers. One shot from rudal in the air to land and one from the ship to land. Rudal in the second round Tuesday afternoon local time.
Testing was conducted at the United Nations (UN) meeting to lay the resolution for North Korea because of the nuclear testing underground. UN to call them hard will steps, including dropping additional sanctions.

The international community issued a strong criticism after North Korea claims successful nuclear testing conducted in the underground.

After confirming that the seismolog testing the strength of the earthquake with a Richter scale 4.5, United States President Barack Obama says North Korea nuclear program was a "major threat" to world peace.

China and Russia is also a criticism of the trial and called in order to talk with North Korea resumed. The UN Security Council issued a direct criticism of the council in an emergency in New York, on Monday (25 / 5).

French Ministry of Foreign Affairs Eric Chevallier said France, a permanent Security Council members, would consult with member countries on the other possible responses and to strengthen sanctions on North Korea.

North Korea was reportedly issued a warning that there will be a pilot to the United States less than one hour before testing is done. Explosion that produced it seems a much more powerful explosion from the nuclear testing in North Korea first made in October 2006.

BBC journalist international issues, David Lyon, said, North Korea has moved from confrontation to negotiations on nuclear issues. Russian Ministry of Defense estimates, the explosion resulted from explosives with a weight of 20 kiloton, equivalent to the bomb-bomb the United States even Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.

Speaking in front of the White House, U.S. President Barack Obama, said America will work with partners, allies around the world to "fight" of North Korea. "North Korea previously gave a commitment to ignore its nuclear program," said Obama.

North Korea is trying to take the test as a "provocation that can not be tolerated", while Japan said all nuclear testing by Pyongyang "not acceptable", and said both countries will require action from the Security Council. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said he was "extremely disturbed". UN resolution 1718 demanded that North Korea did not conduct nuclear testing.

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, said the trial will "lay aside the prospects for peace in the Korean Peninsula." Russia and China also criticism, with the Beijing government claims "against the hard" testing while the Moscow describes as a "jolt to the non-proliferation efforts." Both countries insist that North Korea return to the table.

Six-party talks on North Korea nuclear removal, which involves the United States, China, Japan, Russia, Korea and the two countries, stagnating years ago because Pyongyang does not approve of how the information has been submitted on the activities that country to its nuclear facilities must be verified.
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Mike Tyson daughter snare cable is not safe and Treadmill

Daughter of former heavyweight champion Mike Tyson the world die in care in a hospital, on Tuesday (26 / 5) afternoon the Phoenix. Exodus Tyson (4) not survived a day after a neck snare when played with the cable sports equipment Treadmill in residence Mike Tyson, Phoenix.

When events take place, Mike Tyson is in the middle of Las Vegas. Mike Tyson has been cast off to Phoenix and go directly to know the hospital after the incident that occurred on the unlucky daughter. Tyson spokesman, Cynthia Schwartz, explains, the family has not decided when the funeral will be held for the Exodus.

"There is no one word that came out of Tyson's mouth to describe the tragic loss of our daughter, Exodus. We hope the public can understand our privacy in the mourning period," the snippets of statements issued by the family of Mike Tyson.

Mother Exodus and twist to remove the cable from the daughter's neck, and emergency assistance call officer. Staff assistance, including from the fire, had to give emergency treatment to the heart during a shock tool Exodus to run the hospital. During treatment in the hospital, Exodus has also ditopang with bantu tool life.

Hill explains, the victim is now treated in the hospital and critical condition. "At that time he played in the Treadmill, and there depending on the cable below it, like a noose. He heads a drop or cable trick, and he can not escape, "said Hill.

Police suspect, Exodus drop a rope and his neck in the loop depends on the cable around the Treadmill. Kid sister who is aged seven years to find his younger brother is a snare cable sports equipment is. At that time, the mother of the victims are other clean rooms.
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Champions League Final : BARCELONA vs MU

Forget Messi, Ronaldo practice penalty kicks
Half-Manchester United, Cristiano Ronaldo know that they will be comparisons with Lionel Messi in the Champions League final, on Thursday (28 / 5) WIT early days. He did not want to split by the attention and serious training compete penalty.

In addition to regular exercise, practice CR7 also serious penalties. He did not want to repeat the failure in the final year ago. In the Champions League final opponents Chelsea, the Ronaldo goal is to print at the time it fails to be normal eksekutor compete in the four-tosan toast. Kick it by the goalkeeper Petr Cech. Fortunately John Terry and Nicolas Anelka also failed, so the title given to the champion "The Red Devil."

"I am one hundred percent focus to the match. I know that people want to know something about me and he (Messi). But, I am very focused to the match," he said in a television interview with Sky Sport. "I will try to help timku hundred percent, trying to print the score, and win the match."

Final time is not only been used as the best two teams duel world, but also betting on who is best between Messi and Ronaldo. Ronaldo is also trying to prepare ourselves as best as possible so that his team win.

Ready to compete penalty Valdes
Barcelona goalkeeper, Victor Valdes said Barcelona will do everything to win out Champions League final versus Manchester United on Wednesday (27 / 5). Valdes is ready to own melakoni compete penalty.

During the Barcelona always hold this ideology on the football as they showed at Chelsea in the semifinal evacuate. This will back them to do before the "Red Satan." Even if the fruit fails to victory in normal time, Valdes is ready to win the match even through the worst scenario.

"I am ready for everything in the final. The most important is that Barca win, no matter how," said Valdes.

According to Valdes, who himself not only trying to improve how the self-force. Colleagues also do. Thierry Henry and Andres Iniesta, for example, struggling to knee and thigh injuries. Carles Puyol and Yaya Toure also try as best they can play in the position usually does not miss it for the Dani Alves and Rafael Marquez.

Valdes said, his team are very motivated sweep this duel. Not because the treble ambition, but victory for their team made the best.

"I think the same as other colleagues. This will be a good rivalry, like other final, one of the world's best team, and I hope Barcelona win," he said.

Be careful with the ball and kick Off Remote
Champions League final the match between Manchester United and Barcelona promises tight duel. Kick the ball dead and distance can be an effective method of printing goals.

Barcelona rearguard is experiencing changes siginifikan. This change is not considered better than a regular composition.

However, it does not mean that Park Ji-Sung, or Wayne Rooney could make the free-random-wing stronghold of Barcelona. Problem is, before thinking to attack, "The Red Devil" must first overcome gempuran "Blaugrana".

During this time, compared to MU, Barcelona is less serious use to line the back. Faithfulness to the philosophy that they are bound on the theory that the best defense is attack.

Barcelona power cut one can make the opponent had to survive and get off while the desire. See how they demolish Chelsea first leg in the semifinal round. Nearly no chance for "The Blues" put back the threat of attack.

With the spirit of loyalty to the 4-3-3, Barcelona will still play aggressive line even though they filled the back of the pickup. Thus defense because they are problematic because Eric Abidal Daniel Alves and can not play, Barcelona will strike out. For, so they only reduce the threat from the MU. When run as planned, Barcelona could impede the MU out of the ground game of their own.

Facing the threat, the MU also has a game ready serve in the line of central Barcelona. With the 4-5-1 scheme, MU can play ball control and cranny looking for the attack back quickly.

Placing a person in the future, it seems that Cristiano Ronaldo will be filled, will also penetrate difficult Toure or Pique. Postures of both the high-reliable bait break game and cross the ball over MU. However, it still will be MU. Because, quite weak in Barcelona anticipating attacks from the wings. Without Alves and Abidal MU akan facilitate smooth cross feed to Barca front gate.

Hence, bargaining will take place the second citadel a lot. Create opportunities out of difficulties of life make the ball off or kick the ball distance can be an option. Coincidence, both players have a stronghold with extraordinary ability in this field.

Ronaldo and Xavi Hernandez is the figure who can be relied upon impasse split the ball from the kick off or a remote. Strict game in center field can produce a lot of dead ball opportunities. Agility players play football is a provocation that can be expected to force the opponent violation.
Gocekan Lionel Messi or Ronaldo in the penalty box also can not be separated from the observation. A little scatterbrained, a remote execution can destroy the dream trofi.

In the first 15 minutes into the printing crucial goal. Print the first goal winning the opportunities increase.

Approximate order of players:
Barcelona (4-3-3) :
Valdes, Puyol, Toure, Pique, Sylvinho, Xavi, Busquets, Iniesta, Messi, Eto'o, Henry
MU (4-5-1) :
Van Der Sar, O'Shea, Vidic, Ferdinand, Evra, Giggs, Carrick, Anderson, Rooney, Park, Ronaldo

Data and facts
Barcelona vs Manchester United
Stadium Olimpico Rome
Wednesday, (27 / 5), pkl. 20:45

Exchange betting:
Soccerstats: 1 (2.65) X (3.2) 2 (2.67)

Head to head:
24/4/2008 MU 0-0 Barcelona (Champions League)
30/4/2008 MU 1-0 Barcelona (Champions League)

23 / 5 Barcelona 0-1 Osasuna (La Liga)
7 / 5 Real Mallorca 2-1 Barcelona (La Liga)
3 / 5 Athletic Bilbao 1-4 Barcelona (Copa del Rey)
10 / 5 Barcelona 3-3 Villarreal (La Liga)
06 / 5 Chelsea 1-1 Barcelona (Champions League)

Manchester United:
24 / 5 Hull City 0-1 Manchester United (Premier League)
16 / 5 Manchester United 0-0 Arsenal (Premier League)
13 / 5 Wigan Athletic 1-2 Manchester United (Premier League)
10 / 5 Manchester United 2-0 Manchester City (Premier League)
5 / 5 Arsenal 1-3 Manchester United (Champions League)
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24 May 2009


Denpasar, Russische Touristen, die gerne einen Urlaub auf Bali erreicht 20.403 Menschen während der Januar-März 2009. Das heißt, es sind 1214 Personen oder 6,3 Prozent eine Steigerung gegenüber dem gleichen Zeitraum des Vorjahres, die nur 19.189 Menschen.

"Sie alle kamen durch Ngurah Rai Airport, Bali, niemand wird durch den Hafen", sagte der Leiter Central Statistics Agency (BPS) Provinz Bali, Ida Komang Wisnu in Denpasar, am Montag (25 / 5).

Er sagte, die neue Tourismus-Markt Bali, die so viel wie 4,1 Prozent der gesamten Wisman auf Bali als 490.454 Menschen während der I Quartal 2009.
"Bedingungen zu einem Anstieg von 4,2 Prozent gegenüber dem Quartal im Jahr 2008 habe ich 470.344 Menschen", sagte er.

Russland auf Rang sieben am Wisman an Bali, von dem betreffenden Land in den vergangenen Jahren passte nicht in der Liste der zehn größten Anbieter von Urlaub auf Pulau Dewata. Ida Komang Wisnu hinzugefügt, das Land zu den zehn am meisten Wisman auf Bali, fünf Länder, darunter Russland, haben sich eine ganze Menge, und fünf weiteren Ländern zurückgegangen.

Neben Russland, die vier anderen Ländern, dass eine Erhöhung ist, Australien ist 24,85 Prozent, 55,62 Prozent von China, Malaysia und Frankreich 19,85 Prozent 19/02 Prozent. "Während der fünf Länder, die einen Rückgang von 24,01 Prozent von Taiwan, Japan, 11,63 Prozent, 8,82 Prozent der Süd-Korea, 16/04 Prozent des Vereinigten Königreichs und der Vereinigten Staaten 7,05 Prozent", sagte Ida Komang Wisnu.

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Women's wirklich um einen Verbraucher handelt. Diese muss nicht umgangen werden. Frauen wollen immer erscheinen interessant. Stilleto Schuhe der förderfähigen High-spired, überdimensionalen Tasche ist sehr schwer, bis zu einer sehr engen Kleider, die aussehen mehr schlank. Diese Kleidung darf nicht jeden Tag, denn es ist weniger bequem. Eine Art der Kleidung, kann gefährlich sein, wenn jeden Tag getragen ist die Skinny Jeans.

Ist Parmeet Ghoman (28) lebt in der Nähe von San Francisco, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, dass er eine der Frauen, die nicht zu schmachten für die Modeindustrie. "Ich war der Typ von Person zu kaufen Schuhe 2 Größen kleiner als die Größe von meinen Beinen, weil das Modell nur lustig, weil sie (Geschäfte) sind im Vertrieb", erklärt. Aufgrund seiner Gewohnheit gerne tragen enge, muss er auch Schmerzen.

Ein Mal im Dezember, wenn der Verschleiß Skinny Jeans sind super streng, Ghoman fühlte ein seltsames Gefühl aus dem Fuß bis Oberschenkel. Wenn sich von seinem Sitz, und gehen, und das Gefühl, dass die bizarre. Er spürte, wie Drift, denn ich kann nicht das Gefühl, sein Bein.

Dr. John England, neurologis von der American Academy of Neurology, New Orleans, sagte: "Für manche Menschen sind anfällig für Druck Nerven." Skinny Jeans sind getragen Ghoman können die Ursache. Hosen sind die Schaffung eine sogenannte meralgia paresthetica, die auch als die "-Syndrom in den Oberschenkel Sensation tickle" (Kribbeln Oberschenkel-Syndrom). Dies kann auftreten, wenn es Druck kontinuierlich. Für den Fall, Ghoman, ist super-enge Hosen, dass behindert sein femorale Nerven, die schaffen das Gefühl, taub, oder fühlen brennen im Bereich der Oberschenkel.

Im Allgemeinen, die Abweichung von den Nerv dieser Art ist der Bauarbeiter, der Polizei oder mit einem Gürtel um den Oberschenkel gebunden, schwangere Frauen oder Menschen mit der Bedingung, von Übergewicht, auch aufgrund der Sicherheitsgurt bei einem Autounfall. Jedoch später, der Zustand dieser Art häufig bei Frauen mit normalem Körpergewicht. Ursache, und andere nicht ist kein, Denim-Hosen sind zu eng.

Femoral Haut Nerv von der Außenseite der Stiel und das Becken auf die Oberschenkel. Dies ist eine rein nervös, nicht setzen oder billigen Muskelkraft. Alles, was ist zu eng in den Oberschenkel ist potenziell in der Lage zu drücken Sie die Nerven durch die Region. Dr. William Madosky, die Gesundheit der chiropraktische Richmond Heights, Missouri, sagt, dass Schuhe mit hohen Absätzen erhöhen die Möglichkeit der Sensation betäubt Schuhe mit hohen Absätzen, weil der Körper, um die künftige Ausrichtung, so dass die Nieten auf der Vorderseite, und drücken Sie auf der Vorderseite des Beckens, den Druck auf die Nerven der Vergangenheit.

Madosky auch gesagt, und stellt fest, dass es keine Schmerzen in den Oberschenkel auf Druck kann auf Dauer krank. In der Regel nur vorübergehend, den Druck, bevor es ersetzt wird, und nicht mehr gelten.
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Beware, Skinny Jeans make sick Saraf

Women's really being a consumer. This need not be dodged again. Women always want to appear interesting. Stilleto shoes of eligible high-spired, oversized bag is very heavy, up to a very tight clothes that look more svelte. Such clothing may not be every day, because it is less convenient. One type of clothing that can be dangerous if worn every day is the skinny jeans.

Is Parmeet Ghoman (28) who lives near San Francisco, United States, stating that he is one of the women who do not have to languish for the fashion. "I was the type of person to buy shoes 2 sizes smaller than the size of my legs because the model only funny, because they (stores) are in sales," explained. Due to its habit of happy wear tight, he must also experience pain.

One time in December, when the wear skinny jeans are super strict, Ghoman felt a strange feeling from the foot to thigh. When risen from his seat, and walk, and feeling that the more bizarre. He felt like drift, because I can not feel his leg.

Dr. John England, neurologis from the American Academy of Neurology, New Orleans, said, "For some people, are vulnerable to nerve pressure." Skinny jeans are worn Ghoman can be the cause. Pants are creating a condition called meralgia paresthetica, which is also referred to as the 'syndrome in the thigh sensation tickle' (tingling thigh syndrome). This can occur if there is pressure continuously. For cases Ghoman, is super-tight trousers that impedes his femoral nerve, which create the feeling numb, or feel a burn in the thigh area.

Generally, the deviation of the nerve of this kind is the construction worker, or police with a belt tied at the thigh, pregnant women or people with the condition of Obesity, also due to seat belt in a car accident. However, later, the condition of this kind often found in women with normal body weight. Cause, and not others is not no, denim trousers are too tight.

Femoral cutaneous nerve from the outside of the stalk and the pelvis to the thigh. This is a purely nervous, do not set or endorse muscle strength. Anything that is too tight in the thigh area is potentially able to press the nerve through the region. Dr. William Madosky, the chiropractic health of Richmond Heights, Missouri, says that high-heeled shoes increase the possibility of sensation anesthetized high-heeled shoes because of the body to sustain future direction, so that the rivet to front, pressing to the front of the pelvis, increasing the pressure on the nerves of yesteryear.

Madosky also said, noting that there is no pain in the thigh due to pressure may be permanently sick. Usually only temporarily, the pressure before it is replaced, and no longer apply.
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What is the accessory's So Fun

We change the look to be exciting to not have to be expensive or always identical to the luxury goods and bermerk. Even small accessories-accessories that is easily found in small boutiques can make you look more so exciting. Here are some accessories that you can fool bantu encouraged to look to appear more 'chic'.

Glasses by the language of young people called the mirror. Due to the large size. But, like it or not, the big glasses often worn the Hollywood celebrities that will make this look more exciting. Depending on the level of confidence of the users only

Bold necklace
Necklace thick and big (Jewelery statement) will also be much in demand. Pair in a simple dress up, will make it look more sweet.

Bright-colored bags
Handbag large bright color will make the appearance look more exciting. Material glossy bag flamboyant akan also liked a lot this season.

Belts small
So you look more chic, add a small belt on the dress, blouse or loose top, or kardigan oversized.
Hoop earrings
It appears that hoop earrings are one of the accessories required for the women owned the show is happy and want to appear young. Jennifer Lopez uses three layers hoop earrings made of silver. Make sure your face looks simple trappings.

Pigtail Horses
Eva Mendes tried to appear more relaxed but still chic with pigtail horse. More to look fresh, they add the volume of the top head of hair.

Red lips
Recently, red lipstick on, a lot of tune. May enter the summer because that is identical with the bright colors. Try a red light in your mouth, and see how bright colors make you look more cheerful.

Like to go with my husband? Try the dress combined koktail have the low blazer with the beautiful. Leave a button to create the open and he could only peek. Appearance section you make sure he's not the
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Guantanamo Schicksal an die Macht der Obama

Gefängnis, die im Rahmen der USA für Terrorverdächtige in Guantanamo Bay, um nicht weniger als 240 ausländischen Gefangenen, 20 von ihnen unterzeichneten Gefangenen in der Kategorie "hoher Wert", während die anderen erklärt worden ist bereit für die Freigabe.

Unmittelbar nach dem Kelch bis an die Macht, US-Präsident Barack Obama geboten, dass in Kuba wurde im Januar 2010, sondern eine Reihe von Häftlingen, die aus 30 Ländern können nicht freigegeben werden, in Drittländer zu erhalten.

Obama im Februar die Regierung begann, um die Urkunden für jede der Gefangenen und der Minister-Verteidigungsminister Robert Gates im Februar gesagt, es sind zwischen 50 und 100 Häftlinge, die nicht freigegeben werden oder hingerichtet werden. Unter den High-Value-Häftlinge, die beschuldigt, fünf Männer im Zusammenhang mit den Terroranschlägen 11. September 2001, einschließlich Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, der gestanden Mastermind der Aktion ums Leben kamen so viele wie 3000 Menschen in den USA.

Auf der Grundlage von Pentagon kürzlich veröffentlichten Zahlen, die umstrittene Anlage um 100 Personen jemenitischer Herkunft, 25 in Afghanistan, etwa 20 Algerien, 17 aus China und der uigurischen Minderheit eine Reihe von Saudi-Bürger. Der Rest kam von verschiedenen Orten in Zentralasien und im Nahen Osten.

Ein weiterer Häftling Ali Zubaydah wird vorgeworfen, Al-Qaida-Mitglieder, dass die Wirkung. Er war geboren in Saudi-palästinensischen Volkes, die eine echte Zayn Al-Abidin Muhammad Hussein. Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani Tansania Person wird beschuldigt, die Bombardierung in US-Botschaften in Kenia und Tansania im Jahr 1998. Er ist ein ehemaliger Häftling in der ersten Guantanmo akan, dass die zivilen Gerichten in den USA, das Justizministerium am Donnerstag.

Die Frage der Gefangenen ist nach wie vor noch auf die Menschen und der politischen Elite in den USA. Obama hat wiederholt erneut die Absicht zur Schließung der Anlage, trotz Widerstand von einer Gruppe von Republik und eine Reihe von Kolleginnen und Kollegen in der Demokratischen.

Inzwischen eine Gruppe von 60 oder mehr Gefangene zu bewegt werden von der Regierung Bush ist aber nicht die dritte Länder, die bereit sind, um diejenigen, bei denen die Gefahr der Folter in ihren eigenen Ländern, wenn zurückgegeben. Nach der Überprüfung der Obama bis jetzt gibt es etwa 30 Häftlinge, die für die Freigabe.

Vor dem Weißen Haus, dem ehemaligen Präsidenten George W. Bush hat gefordert, rund 20 Gefangenen, erklärte, dass das Ziel ist, zwischen 60 und 80 Häftlinge werden an das Kriegsgericht. Gerechtigkeit ist nicht getan, auch wenn Obama sagte er, dass der militärische Kommission mit wichtigen Änderungen im Besonderen.
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Guantanamo fate in the power of Obama

Prison who are under the U.S. for terrorist suspects at Guantanamo Bay to accommodate as many as 240 foreign prisoners, 20 of them signed in category prisoners "high value" while the other has been declared ready for release.

Immediately after the calyx up to power, U.S. President Barack Obama commanded that facility in Cuba was closed in January 2010, but a number of detainees who came from 30 countries can not be released to third countries willing to receive them.

Obama in February the government began to check the documents of each inmate and the Minister of Defense Robert Gates in February said there are between 50 and 100 prisoners that can not be released or executed. Among the high-value detainees who are accused of five men associated with the terror attacks 11 September 2001, including Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the confessed mastermind of the action that killed as many as 3000 people in the U.S..

Based on Pentagon figures released recently, the controversial facility to accommodate 100 people Yemeni origin, 25 Afghanistan, about 20 Algeria, 17 from China's Uighur minority and a number of Saudi citizens. The rest came from different places in Central Asia and the Middle East.

Another detainee Ali Zubaydah is accused of Al-Qaida members that effect. He was born in Saudi Palestinian people who have a genuine Zayn Al Abidin Muhammad Husayn. Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani Tanzania person is accused of bombardment in the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998. He is a former detainee in the first Guantanmo akan that the civil courts in the U.S., the Department of Justice said Thursday.

The issue of prisoners is still continues to be highlighting the people and political elite in the U.S.. Obama has been repeating again intention to close the facility that, despite resistance from a group of Republic and a number of colleagues in the Democratic.

Meanwhile a group of 60 or more prisoners to be moved by the government but Bush is not the third countries that are willing to accommodate those who are at risk of torture in their own countries if returned. According to the review of Obama up to now there are about 30 prisoners were considered for release.

Preceding the White House, former President George W. Bush has demanded around 20 prisoners, said that the target is between 60 and 80 prisoners will be submitted to the court-martial. Justice is not done even though Obama has said he will bring back the military commission with important changes in particular.
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21 May 2009

Changing the makeup of Noon to Night

Often there are events after hour? Often confused what to do to be able to perform optimally? Here are tips from Jane Buckingham, author The Modern Girl's Guide to Life you can do to appear interesting from day to night makeup.

* Accessories. Prepare always glamorous earrings near you, either in the drawer or in the makeup. Hoop earrings are always visible can make the display section.

* Hair. One of the things that should always be near you: lotion. Before managing your hair, use just a little lotion for managing wild hair is stiff and out-out of the track. Then select the order of hair what you want. If you want to look a little volume, subjected your head, let your hair fall all through the head, and comb the hair from the root to the tip of the hair. Lift the head back and trim the hair with a finger. However, if you want to appear more sleek, add a little lotion to your hands, trim your hair with a comb according to the direction of the hair, then pull back up to make-do sweet pigtail or a horse.

* Trappings eyes. Add trappings of a dramatic style with the trappings edwin eyes on the outside of the lid, add eyeliner or dark color near the lash line growth to provide more definition.

* Lips. Regulations in the pro-makeup is standard, if you play trappings thicker in the area of the eyes, let your mouth over 'nude'. Similarly vice versa, if you will set your mouth better, leave the trappings of your natural. So, if you show more of the trappings edwin color eyes, just give the color nude gloss on your lips. However, if you want to show trappings lips, do not forget to add the lip gloss at the bottom of the thin lips.

* Sexy. Small perfume store near you with a more concentrated flavor and strong. Do not forget to also use
around the wrist, back of the ear, hand and elbow. If you're brave enough to wear a bit open, give the powder highlight key areas, for example in the area in the chest or shoulder area.
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Four Terrorists among its three United States citizens have a plan on hold because the New York blitz

Three United States citizens and one citizen of Haiti on Wednesday (20 / 5) night on hold because the two intend blow the Jewish place of worship (synagogue) in the Bronx, New York City, the plan has been their intention that in June 2008, as media reports in the U.S. .

Terrorist action that will be done by the four suspects, including James Cromitie, David Williams, Williams and Onta-Laguerre Payen-citizens Haiti began from a complaint to the informant's Cromitie .

Their plans be defeated by the Federal Bureau of investigators (FBI) based on the recorded conversation with a suspect of the FBI informant to infiltrate the group .*

In October 2008, Cromitie and three other suspects have begun meeting in a house in Newburgh in the state of New York. According to informants, they discussed plans to attack a military plane and a synagogue in the Bronx. Fourth suspect is the Newburgh residents, located about 95 kilometers north of New York City. In that opportunity, Cromitie ask the informant to provide a guided missile to land the air .

One month later, with informants Cromitie discuss potential targets in New York. Cromitie complained that "the best target (World Trade Center) already be" and "I want to (destroy) a synagogue" .

Local newspaper Daily News quoted a description of the FBI officials and kepolisan New York (NYPD), that in June 2008, James Cromitie told the informant that he was disappointed over the military action against the Muslim community in Pakistan and Afghanistan, where his parents lived. He says, himself wanted to do "something for the United States" .

On 10 April 2009, the suspects have been set targets they attack, a synagogue and community center activities in the Bronx. At that time Cromitie make the image center of the community with a camera shop in Walmart dibelinya .

Date 24 April, the suspect chose to make the plane and began shooting photographs of military aircraft Newburgh .

On May 6, Cromitie, David Williams, and Laguerre Payen with FBI informant go to a warehouse in Connecticut to take the equipment as a missile systems and other equipment. To the suspects, informants claim that the equipment is obtained from the terrorist group Jaish-e-Mohammed. In fact, the tools are not working that is provided by FBI .

Two days later, the four suspects to move weapons from the warehouse and bring them to a house in Newburgh. On 20 May, the four suspects arrested, and eventually arrested for alleged plan to detonate two synagogue in the city of New York and attacked a U.S. military plane .

Following the suspect is caught, on the Thursday of the NYPD guard looks at some point in the Bronx, including outside the building Jewish community center activities, Riverdale Jewish Center, one of which is the target point blitz. The start of the trial on 5 June.
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Kill Suzanne Tamim (30), Hesham Talaat Moustafa Miliuner Egypt convicted Dead

A wealthy businessman and politician Egypt punished with the death penalty on Thursday (21 / 5) ordered the murder because the pop stars that made Lebanon a sweetheart, in the case of the bloody scandalize the Arab world .

Decision was greeted with shocked in Egypt, where the members are generally regarded as the elite group of law and not left out the news that the court is prohibited, as quoted from Reuters .

Hesham Talaat Moustafa has been found to pay a man a number of 2 million U.S. dollars to kill Suzanne Tamim (30) in his luxury apartment in Dubai. Media reports of his attack as revenge after the action pop star is cut off their relationship .

Chaos broke out in the courtroom after the verdict was read amar. The support Moustafa conflicts with the journalist who tried to approach the rich that when he stood on the iron cage dressed in white .

Its defenders, Samir ash-Shistawi, his decision was "too heavy" and he expected that decision could change in the total court appeal. Decision is still akan examined by an Islamic religious leader. "This is a amar decision, aimed at prevention rather than implement the law," said the ash-Shishtawi .

Tamim became famous after reaching the highest prize in the television show in 1996. His friends celebrate the decision, be a strong figure on the party's power of Egypt removed his immunity as a member of parliament so that he can be brought to justice .

"I know the woman since he was a kid and he always play with my children so I was satisfied with the decision. Hopefully, God love him. He did a lot of charity activities," said Sami al-Labban, Tamim neighbors, to the television Reuters in Lebanon .

Muhsen ice-Sukkari, a security officer, allegedly committed crimes in the name of that Moustafa. He was also punished with death. He was reported to deceive the beautiful performers to open the door of rooms in Dubai with the claim as the representative of building owners. He then jab it with a knife, so the contents indictment .

Es-Sukkari then remove clothing berlumuran blood near criminal action, and leave the DNA, prosecutors said claimant. Evidence also includes a phone conversation between Moustafa, who has been married .

Media reports said, es-Sukkari has been working in the security at a hotel that was built Moustafa company. Decision is surprising Egyptian stock market, where stock-stock group company Talaat Moustafa, who had led Moustafa-fall. Moustafa submit leadership Talaat Moustafa Group to Tarek after he adiknya indicted cases involved .
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11 May 2009

Adipiscing leo quis wisi

Lorem quis ut neque Phasellus pede id magna mauris Nullam eget. Senectus semper venenatis tincidunt semper velit pede ante et ridiculus leo. Sapien Nam eleifend sed pellentesque Ut nunc fames dui quis Nullam. Quis natoque consequat quis Nam dictum ipsum Curabitur scelerisque ipsum tempor. Nulla vel in Nam id Phasellus molestie quis at eu Phasellus. Nulla ac.

Nec justo Ut et at risus Nam In magnis nunc Mauris. Vitae montes et pede id urna massa dignissim eget malesuada orci. In tincidunt convallis sem felis ornare fringilla at ac ac convallis. Eu et lacinia eros amet nulla Aenean justo adipiscing at Integer. Vitae dolor wisi senectus vel fringilla gravida augue lacus wisi semper. Interdum a tortor congue pede risus ut.

Orci rutrum lacus feugiat egestas venenatis Sed dolor condimentum montes ornare. Sapien magna libero Vivamus ipsum risus urna sed id tempus mauris. At Pellentesque id quis malesuada Aenean id Curabitur auctor nulla wisi. Tortor senectus Aenean nec mauris tellus velit id mauris interdum risus. Feugiat auctor et eros Integer justo lorem sagittis tincidunt Aenean tristique. Magna nulla malesuada id et dapibus nonummy.

Urna id in nibh sodales id nulla diam turpis accumsan Curabitur. Neque justo laoreet aliquam molestie tempus Proin Integer Vestibulum lacinia semper. Interdum augue Nunc egestas magna gravida wisi Nullam id In tellus. Porta sed nec feugiat Vivamus tincidunt vitae vel quis accumsan faucibus. Tincidunt nisl vel lacinia felis et Quisque leo non malesuada risus. Faucibus Suspendisse sodales mollis nisl Maecenas turpis auctor et gravida.

Adipiscing leo quis wisi justo dui Vivamus arcu lorem sem urna. Aliquet eu lacinia vitae id elit Pellentesque dolor ac et ante. Vestibulum Nulla vitae cursus quis dui lacinia vestibulum mus a Duis. Lorem pede at quis Nulla at lacinia orci magna pellentesque ac. Sed porttitor Nam auctor laoreet ut nisl montes wisi tellus orci. Et pellentesque.
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10 May 2009

Early symptoms of Bird : Flu Influenza Like

Epidemic infection of bird flu in humans began in 2005, where 20 cases occurred, 13 of them died. Number of cases the victim dies and reaches its peak in 2006, where 55 cases occurred, 45 of them died.

Bird Flu Infection
Bird flu outbreak in humans, occurs because the bird flu virus type H5N1 in humans go through the respiratory tract. H5N1 virus is the type of influenza virus that attacks the birds, but also ordinary people are now infected.

Influenza virus infection is also known as a disease that is easily spread. Spread primarily through dropet (cipratan) lenders and direct contact with influenza patients lenders.

Variations influenza virus based on the variations of the surface antigen 2, the H antigen (hyaluronidase, are well known 9 sub type) antigen and N (neuraminidase, have been 15 known sub-type).

Variations in sub-type influenza virus also causes the emergence of various types of variations in species sensitive to this virus infection. Influenza virus can attack poultry, pigs, whales and humans.

Humans infected by bird flu virus does not have the typical clinical symptoms. Infectious diseases in the first stage of the disease, such as common influenza, the fever, headache, and cough. In the development of the disease, heat does not come down and show characteristic is the throttle quickly grow worse.

Anamnesa history about the possibility of contact with poultry is very important in diagnose bird flu before the laboratory examination can be done.

AI H5N1 cases in humans clarified in 3 types, according to the diagnosis, namely suspek AI, protable cases, and cases of confirmation.

1. Suspek suspicion.
When someone suffering hot fever 38 degrees Celsius accompanied by one or more of the following symptoms: cough, sore throat, runny nose, shortness of breath (pant) with one or more conditions below:
a. Had contact with sick birds / who died suddenly have not known the cause and poultry products (eggs, offal), including the dirt in the last 7 days before symptoms arise. The contact is the caring, cleaning stalls, turn, kill, take.
b. Lived in a location that is the death of poultry that are not usual in the last 7 days.
c. Had contact with patients.
d. Had contact with AI H5N1 specimens
e. Of the lekopenia (less 5000/μ1)
f. Of the H5 antibody against the examination Hemaglutinase Inhibition (HI) test using horse eritrosit

2. Case Protabale
Is a case that meets the criteria suspek with one or more of the following:
a. Of the antibody titer increased 4 times with the examination of the H5 HI test using horse eritrosit or ELISA test
b. Laboratory results for H5 influenza (H5-specific antibody was detected in single serum specimens) using neutralisasi test.

3. Case Confirmation
Suspek case is possible or fell ill with one or more conditions below:
a. influenza A/H5N1 virus culture-positive
b. PCR positive influenza A/H5N1
c. On Imunofluorescence (IFA) antibody test is found positive with the monoclonal antigen influenza A/H5N1
d. The increase in titer antibody specific to the H5N1 influenza konvalensen phase of 4 times or more compared with the acute phase with mocroneutralization test.

So in this case, the certainty of diagnosis of this infection can be based on laboratory examinations that can prove the existence of virus infection on the patient, namely the existence of the virus directly or check with the antibody anti-bird flu virus in the patient.

Antibody is an examination of the results quickly with the cost of a cheap and easy tekhnik done using a sample of blood serum. Antibody is an immune system that is very specific, which was formed as a response by the human when there is a foreign object (the virus) into the body. Because only the response of infection, then the new antibody will be detected in the blood after about 1 week sick.

On examination this antibody can be used as evidence of infection at the second examination (or healing phase konvalesen) increase in titer obtained at least 4 times or more compared to the titer in the acute phase of infection.

So anatibodi for examination diagnose bird flu, although actually quite specific, but can not help in handling people and handling epidemiologis (to prevent the spread of disease). Because in the days to the 14 people already in the healing phase or has even died.
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08 May 2009

Water Containing ARSENIK

Arsenik is unsure nonlogam with 33 atoms, with the symbol As and atomic weight of 74.9216. This is a popular material metaloid toxic and has a three-pronged alotropik; yellow, black and gray. Arsenik and arsenik compound used as a pesticide, herbicide and insecticides and various aloy.Arsenik this including a very dangerous compound. Danger of arsenic in the water often does not realize by humans. Despite its low concentration, when stored in the body for many years, arsenic can cause various serious effects such as skin cancer, lung cancer, and bladder cancer.

Nature Arsenik
Arsenik the chemical has characteristics similar to phosphorus, and often can be used as a substitute in a variety of reactions and biochemistry are also toxic. When heated, arsenik akan quickly become arsenik oxide, which smell like the smell of garlic. Arsenik and some arsenik compound also can change from solid directly into gas without becoming liquid first.

Statement by UNICEF in Dhaka, Bangladesh, has not been this long, based on the very penelitianya us flinch. "As many as 60 million people in the world vulnerable to high levels in the water arsenik. Of these, 8o per cent of them in Asia, "Carel de Rooy firm, UNICEF representative in Bangladesh.

Asian countries most affected is Bangladesh and India, with the level of vulnerability to reach 30 million more people. This statement is in the conference Internastional Learning Exchange (ILE), which was held in Dhaka. Conference that followed 53 non-government experts from 12 countries of Asia in this effort to discuss the impact of water mixed with arsenic.

Government of Bangladesh in fact, supported by UNICEF, is working hard to reduce arsenic womb during the last one decade. Millions of people tercemar arsenic in the State that start switch consume safe drinking water.
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06 May 2009

Making Visible The Bold Hair

Thin hair and saucer? Uh, NO. I wish to have hair more thick and volume. In some cases, hair is sometimes thin, as occurs during pregnancy or when the current stress. When women entered the age of 40s, hormone action and cause stem diameter thin hair, and hair folikel active decreased. If you see any part of the skin that shows signs kebotakan, met dermatologis flee to find the cause. For cases of normal, you can help your hair appear thicker and with the technical regulation of particular products. This tipsnya: .

Use shampoo shampoo volume containing proteins. Continue with kondisioner lightly labeled for the baby's hair or thin hair, only application of the ear to the ground. To dry hair, simply by pressing a towel.

Use the product to increase volume of hair that contain panthenol or resin along the hair moist. Use the product for protecting hair from heat (do not hit the skin), and saw-toothed comb to comb rarely, from the end of the hair to the scalp.

Use a blow dryer with a medium strength. Sit down, and subjected the head, hair and let you swing in the direction you face. Blow-dry the back of the head first with a blow dryer, simply by using hands. When hair is almost dry, lift (vertical) head, drain and finish the hair with comb size are rounded.

Add volume
With the launch of small parts, use fingers to lift hair finger bit by bit, set your blow dryer with a cold setting, navigate to the root of the hair. This will make the hair cuticle in the region to solidify, thus creating volume in hair. Do all this in the head, and trim the hair with a comb brush.

Once a week, do care for the hair. Select a womb that has jojoba oil, which can help keep the hair from damage. The protein that makes hair thicker stem.

* Haircut can give the exact change. Ask your stylist to minimize layer (too many layers can make the hair look thinner), or try with a thick bangs.
* Give kondisioner for thin hair shampoo before launch. You will get enough moisture, making hair look without sag.
* To add volume, use the roll hairdo hair in velcro (which need to stay away bed without jaws), for 10 minutes.
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How to prolong Hair Fast

Oh, no! Stylist cut your hair too short! Cervix that does not make you look confident, and feel like a cold. How do I get long hair quick return? .

This is often our experience. Either because the wrong haircut, or you want to get a haircut before craving trends trigger switch, you can expect long hair in a flash. The good news, this could happen. A hairdresser may be said, do not cut your hair again, even if only for Trimming or tidy haircut.

Basically, the hair will grow quickly when circumstances healthy. Here are tips that you can do to keep hair healthy and long fast:

1. If your hair ends or damaged fork, immediately make the fork is. Indeed, you have to cut hair, but this is the first step.

2. Do not shampoo every day. Shampoo may reduce the natural oil produced by hair, and is useful for menutrisi of hair. Reduce this habit a few times a week, or once in three days. If your hair dirty faster, so must be washed every day, use a little kondisioner once every few days. Unless you are working outside the room, your hair is not dirty, very dirty, so should shampoo every day. Few kondisioner enough to dislodge dirt and make hair remain soft.

3. Hair Minimize the use of rubber or other accessories that will damage your hair. When long hair started to show responsibility, you are likely to be so does not disrupt binding. However, rubber hair can cause hair broken if every time you tie it in place-only that, such as the pigtail horse.

4. Use products, regulation of hair as possible. For example, gel, volumizer, serum, hairspray, and others. Use products that too often make a wad of hair so you need to shampoo again cleared. Lump materials also increase the regulation of hair your hair dirty.

5. Minimize the use of tools that heat, such as blow dryers, iron or hair. Can-can use, but try not to do it too long so that the hair is not exposed to heat too long.

6. Use a hat. Sun exposure will dry out and damage the hair. Keep the hair as possible to be so easy to grow again.

7. Use a hairbrush to massage scalp every night. Make the movement to play the entire scalp approximately 15 minutes. Then, comb your hair gently from the base to the tip of the hair. This will distribute the natural oil on the base of the hair to the hair until all the edges.
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Expression in the Natural Hair Trends 2009

Be sure to include a 'change the look' in your new years resolution. For you in the forefront of fashion, see the latest trends in hair from Rudi Hadisuwarno.

The trend back to nature to be a global theme that affect every life. No lag in the world of fashion and beauty. With the theme Zenergetic, harmony with nature is transformed by stylist Rudi Hadisuwarno through a series of hairdo and visible trappings of a light, natural, but the character remains strong, the trend for the year 2009.

Zenergetic show four variations of the style is very 'today'. Forget style glamorama over, because now the natural hair and show snippets of a more regulation rileks and elegant, which will be popular.

Inspired by the four elements of nature, the artistic style of Rudy offers four zenergetic, is the first Zen Natural elements that represent the air. Like the air, in the style of this character have any hair that light passing through the hair straight with the technique and the depletion layer. To be a bit more modern, Rudy suggested that you give a touch of gray ash from the collection of natural color.

Zen became passionate style in the second series zenergetic. Elements from elements of fresh water through the framework of realized wet look hair style curls and random temporary or permanent. Want to change your hair color? Select a passionate matte color with a touch of matte color. To look more special, select blue finery nuances verdure fresh nan.

The reflection element of fire appear in the style of Modern Zen of energy. Characters styled funky hair, but with impressive modern discount firm, cohesive border with the color red-orange hair. Add style edwin eyes and a touch of red on the lips.

Finally, inspired by elements of the land, Rudy shows the beauty of an elegant and mature in the Urban Zen style. Style women be established by a touch of brown hair color plus the soft golden highlights. For this style, the team offers a range of artistic Rudy bun hair style is elegant for formal occasions. No lag polesan brown makeup on.

According to Rudy, he deliberately shows the four alternative style so that each person has freedom in choosing. "Every person is different, each with its own taste and how to display a fascination with how different also," he said. In addition, through this latest trend in the hope Rudy professional hairdo in the world can be inspired to create a new creativity.
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05 May 2009

Hair short so the trend of the present

Hair short so the trend of the present for the year 2009, the crop that will be the trend is short hair style. "Hair model bob there are still many who love this model because it is long lasting. Unlike the previous model bob, bob model at this time have a little layer,".
Although short hair back in, but Alfons revealed that long hair is never abandoned. If you do not want to cut the long hair of pride, Alfons encourage you to give accent to the big waves long hair, rather than flat and straight left. Before following the latest trends in hair, there are a few things to note.
Section, not all people with the appropriate short crop. "When you want to cut hair, avoid anything that drastic, especially if you plan to come to a big event like a party or other important event," said Alfons. If you want to experiment with a particular crop, before you actually cut your hair, there's no one to try first the wig. If this is the match, then please continue with the model. But if the result is not appropriate, not forced, find another haircut. Finally, must have a hairstylist who understands the type of trust and a snippet of hair is suitable to you. There is no one to meet someone when the crop is good you, ask who cut, and also ask how it is managing day-to-day hair. Whether the blow be combed or normal.
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Children lead Hiperaktif

There are two fears concerning the mother's son, autis and hiperaktif. If autis infected children, the mother will be very nervous because their children out of focus, tend to be uncommunicative and difficult to adapt. Even if hiperaktif
nervous because his son is difficult. In fact, the average child autis and hiperaktif have "the Intelligence Extraordinary."

Managing hiperaktif the children who need extraordinary patience, and awareness to not always feel tired, for the good of the child.
Hiperaktif child is always moving, wanton, could not concentrate.

Desires must be fulfilled. They also sometimes do something impulsive or a sudden without first be thought. This interference behavior usually occurs in children aged pre basis, or before they were aged 7 years.

You anxious and nervous? Sure, but do not be afraid. We have a prescription. So that the child is not Hiperaktif

First, check.
Not all behavior that can be classified as diagnosed hiperaktif. Therefore, you need to increase the knowledge of the interference hiperaktif. You should do is consult on issues that affects their children to child psychology experts therapy. This is important because interference hiperaktivitas can affect the mental and physical health of children, and its ability to absorb the lessons and socializing. The goal is to get help from the right about what you can do at home. Its also useful to remove the feeling of guilt and improve your attitude
so that the child is not too excessive. Here are the experts will provide the appropriate medication or a therapy.

Second, Understanding
To be able to handle children hiperatif, there is also a good idea
if you and your family members to support groups and parenting-skills training. The goal is to better understand the attitudes and behavior of children, and what is required of children, both psychological, cognitive (intellectual) and physiological. If children feel that parents and other family members can understand the desires, his feelings, its frustrating, then this condition will increase the likelihood of a child can
grow as the other normal.

Third, a focus on Exercise.
Do not press him, accept the circumstances. Treat children with warm and patient, but firm and consistent in
apply the norms and duties. If children can not dwell in one place, try to grasp with both hands soft, and then sat silent for Engage. Ask that child's eyes stare when you speak or talk. Give directions to a soft tone, without having to sail. Landing is very important to train and discipline the child to concentrate on one job. You must be consistent. If the request
him to do something, do not give him a threat, but understanding, which makes you know why he hopes to do that.

Fourth, patient.
If he had to endure sitting longer, bimbing children to practice hand and eye coordination to the way the dots that form numbers or letters. This exercise also aims to improve the way writing a number that is not good and wrong. Then the child can be a simple exercise of drawing and coloring. This is a very useful exercise to practice his fine motor.
Can also start with a given exercise confer different variations Answer, reduction, multiplication, and division. Start with the Answer or the reduction of the numbers below 10. After that
introduced a new concept with the correct numbers from 0.

If the above four phases have to skip you, be grateful, surely you have active children can be focused on the development of one's soul. This will also greatly assist you in the guard. And now, enter the next stage, how you have to cooperate with him.

Fifth, revive confidence in himself.
If able, this can also be learned, use the techniques of behavior, such as using a brace positive. For example, to give praise when the child eats with the order or work to do something correctly, and provide consistent discipline, and always monitor children's behavior. The goal is to increase the confidence of children.

In addition, children can also make the management of its own with the guidance of parents. For example, by giving a good example to children, and if a child violates the time, parents
remind children of the examples that their parents had given previously.

In this stage, you try to be emotionally stable at the point, so that he knows, brace the positive control does not come up anger. Remember, children hiperaktif average is also very sensitive.

Sixth, Explore the direction interest.
If he continues to move, do not panic, Include only, and good record, where in fact the purpose of
her liveliness. Do not be banned all together, he later felt frustrated. The most important is to recognize talent, or the tendency of early attention.

That way, you can provide enough space for children's activities for the excess energy. For example, include children in the soccer club in the minors or swim, so that the children interact and learn discipline. Children also learn socializing because he must follow the procedure group.

Seventh, ask him to talk.

This is very important you apply. Remember, children tend to be difficult to communicate hiperaktif and socializing, busy with himself. Therefore, help in socializing children
so that he learn the values of what is acceptable group.
For example, do activities together, so you can teach children how to socialize with friends and the environment. This requires the patience and tenderness.

Develop skills to communicate the need is small time. First it must be equipped with the attitude esteem, sense of grace, mutual understanding, and empathy, said Susan Barron, Ph.D.,
Director of Development and Learning Center Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York in an article in Child magazine.

Finally, Ready to help each other.

If he was able to reveal the mind, you can immediately help him realize what he wanted. Do not hesitate. If necessary, work with teachers in schools so that teachers understand the actual condition of the child. Ask the teachers do not need to sail, the varmint, or exclude, as can be
impact worse mental health for children. Cooperation is also important because children's difficult to concentrate and absorb the lessons well. It takes patience and guidance from teachers for children hiperaktif.

that is the basics of management if you have a child hiperaktif. He is not dangerous, only need to touch and MORE ATTENTION. If he get it, your child will be changed so that genius is not impossible, it will change the world.
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04 May 2009

How to quell Virus.

When we are eager to write articles on computer viruses suddenly appear, hilanglah all of us. Terbendung not feel angry anymore. As if you want to throw the computer in front of the eye.

Do not be worried because now there is a solution.
Many viruses take advantage of the Recycle Bin as a hiding place Virus.

How to overcome it.
First to manually try to enter the system in Safe Mode malaui DOS Prompt and run through the menu Run, do not forget to write cmd, and then press ENTER. Type cd \ (cd backslash) to move to the main directory. Then type attrib-HRS Recycled Recycled to display the directory.

After that open with the contents of C drive using Windows Explore, click the Recycled folder, and continue pressing the Shift + Delete to delete the folder. If there is a autorun.inf file on drive C, then delete all the files without a pardon for the security of our computers and data.

Presence of autorun.inf suddenly in the C drive or another drive that is very suspicious. However, some Anti Virus at this time can detect the type of virus.

Second, there is a possibility when we use a flash in the circumstances have not been 100% clean from viruses. Read the warning and the name of the virus detected in the computer. From there, can be used to determine support for cleaning the virus in the Anti Virus.

Third, at this time some of the Anti Virus program has started can be installed in the computer at the same or different tiger Anti-Virus.
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03 May 2009

OBAMA Addictions

Addictions gadget turns over a lot of people in this world, people from both groups are, important people or ordinary people. One of them is the most powerful person on earth, he is "Barack Obama" a President of the United States (U.S.). Items that make Obama become addicted as SmartPhone BLACKBERRY trademark.

Addictions and love it was disclosed that during the campaign or Obama rehat in time between the period of the campaign. Obama is being seen to open the messages that have been signed in his devotion to the Blackberry.

After taken oath as president of the United States to-44, Obama had insisted to remain Blackberry devotion to bring to the job, "Oval Office" in the White House. Available tradition that has been run for this, that the President does not send email, according to ABCNews site. But eventually Obama said "I Win."

Yes ...., the gadget finally succeeded into Oval Office. This is an extraordinary event, because only that Obama is able to communicate via email through the gadget when it served as the President of the United States for this.

But his story will be different, because obama is the person in charge. Security risk and the validity of any legal issues related gadget.

If Obama still survive with the habit and love it on the gadget, it is very important to create a special gadget presidency. According to a site, Obama will be forced to want to use the smartphone that was created specifically for the National Security Agency (NSA), which has guaranteed 100% security of its system.

Gadget Obama with the Blackberry 8830 series that will be equipped with the "Software Secure Voice" which will be developed by the company's Genesis Security Key and NSA.

Software that works as a security / shield / defense for gadgets favored Obama from attacks of "Hacker". While the Secure Voice allows Obama to communicate with the beloved wife "Michelle" and the members of the family and the people nearest them.

In fact in the Act states that the United States and all email messages sent or received the President must be entered into the archive. But the staff are now Obama are preparing for a communication system that ensures the President through his Blackberry can archive with the most orderly.

With the special security system, perhaps the President should be patient to wait around 50 minutes only to receive an email only.
What is it ....?
There is another Obama staff must be used to scan all incoming email, email, or clean a virus from the virus and the time required for the virus scan can take up to 50 minutes earlier.

If we know the plane Presidency Amerikat States as the "Air Force One" and will probably come back a new facility for the President that is "Blackberry Force One"
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01 May 2009

Men on, lung cancer kill more

Men more at risk of death due to lung cancer than women. According to research, gender is a factor that most affect the resistance against a disease.

The research team the United States to study in six different cities in the U.S. involving 1,365 patients to determine the influence of gender, race, marital status and level of illness of lung cancer. The result is known that men have a mortality risk 1.23 times higher than in women.

Dr. Movnsas Benjamin, head of the Department of radiation Oncology Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit Our leading the study stated in a speech this study reinforce the fact that gender plays an important role as factors of the prognosis of the diagnosed suffering from lung cancer.

This study proves that the use of two target therapy (bevacizumab and cetuximab) combined with chemotherapy (carboplatin and paclitaxel) in the early treatment can give satisfactory results in the diagnosis of 104 patients suffering from lung cancer between August 2006 to September 2007.

Combination therapy is most likely soon will be the treatment options for healing disease lung cancer, said Dr. Edward Kim
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