28 January 2009


  • WHAT IS drug

Medicine is a substance that in a certain amount and the right can be used to diagnose, cure or prevent disease and maintain health.

  • Kind of - kind of medicine

Drugs were divided into 2 types, namely:

1. In medicine (oral) drug that is taken, such as tablet, capsule, syrup and kaplet.

2. Drugs outside the drug that is not drunk, and used in other ways, such as be lubricated (cream, lotion, liniment), molasses (eyedrops, nose drops, and ear drops), entered in the rektal (supositorial) and be (tape)

  • The drugs

Drugs were divided into 3 groups:

1. Free drug is medicines that can be sold freely in the drug store or pharmacy without a prescription. Drug-free on the packaging, marked with a: green circle

2. Drug-free drug is limited to the actual drugs, including hard but still can be sold freely traded. Marked on the packaging with: blue circle

3. Hard drugs are medicines that can only be purchased in pharmacies on prescription and can be repeated without a new prescription if the doctor states on the packaging may be repeated. Packaging sign : circle red

  • To note ON packaging drugs

1. Packaging should be good, no broken, cracked or perforated
2. tersegel still packed with well
3. expiration date of the medicine must be clear

  • USE medicine that is true

1. Drugs used in time according to the rules.


  • Three times a day means that the drug be drunk once every 8 hours.
  • Drugs drunk before and after eating

2. if you use the drugs free, follow the instructions on the designation and brochures / leaflets.

3. to know how to use the correct medication, check with the pharmacist

  • Save the medicine that EITHER

1. Drug store on the room temperature

2. Avoid from direct sunlight or humid place

3. Do not store medicines in the supply of freezer unless written on the label

4. Keep out of reach of children

5. Do not save medicine that has expired

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