28 January 2009


  • WHAT IS drug

Medicine is a substance that in a certain amount and the right can be used to diagnose, cure or prevent disease and maintain health.

  • Kind of - kind of medicine

Drugs were divided into 2 types, namely:

1. In medicine (oral) drug that is taken, such as tablet, capsule, syrup and kaplet.

2. Drugs outside the drug that is not drunk, and used in other ways, such as be lubricated (cream, lotion, liniment), molasses (eyedrops, nose drops, and ear drops), entered in the rektal (supositorial) and be (tape)

  • The drugs

Drugs were divided into 3 groups:

1. Free drug is medicines that can be sold freely in the drug store or pharmacy without a prescription. Drug-free on the packaging, marked with a: green circle

2. Drug-free drug is limited to the actual drugs, including hard but still can be sold freely traded. Marked on the packaging with: blue circle

3. Hard drugs are medicines that can only be purchased in pharmacies on prescription and can be repeated without a new prescription if the doctor states on the packaging may be repeated. Packaging sign : circle red

  • To note ON packaging drugs

1. Packaging should be good, no broken, cracked or perforated
2. tersegel still packed with well
3. expiration date of the medicine must be clear

  • USE medicine that is true

1. Drugs used in time according to the rules.


  • Three times a day means that the drug be drunk once every 8 hours.
  • Drugs drunk before and after eating

2. if you use the drugs free, follow the instructions on the designation and brochures / leaflets.

3. to know how to use the correct medication, check with the pharmacist

  • Save the medicine that EITHER

1. Drug store on the room temperature

2. Avoid from direct sunlight or humid place

3. Do not store medicines in the supply of freezer unless written on the label

4. Keep out of reach of children

5. Do not save medicine that has expired

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19 January 2009


Poverty is a noun that tells something about the meaning of the poor, which can only occur in any field, and can be expanded depending on the words that follow it. Suppose structural poverty (due to structural causes of poverty organization), vertical poverty (poverty reduction that occurred in the community from the top level to lower levels) and many more

It means very poor lack. Because the poor can mean very large, can be in various areas in the community, especially the economic poverty in the end also connects different types of poverty that exists.

Why someone becomes poor ...? because it does not work. Even people who work can also fall in the poor, because the loss, roll mats, or can not manage with a good income.
Why they do not work ...? May not have a job, not able to work because they do not have expertise or knowledge, experience, or because it is old and disabled.
Why not have a job ...? Because of the financial crisis, reduced investment or no investment, the country is not safe, and legal regulations that do not run well, corruption.

No work can also occur because of natural conditions that do not support, natural resources lead to low population apathetic, dice, and so drunk prostitutes. See the egregious poverty, poor people living very close to starvation, disease, violence, and the berdayaan. Poor people live completely lack. Children born in the poor and poor families have no choice.

They depend on the life of her parents who are poor. Adults who are poor and can choose to make the decision to fight, fight or escape from poverty. Where there is poverty. Any country certainly has the poor. Government's responsibility is to provide facilities so that they can out of poverty Because poverty is a mental problem, the central issue in the life of the mind of the poor. The mind of poor, easily give up his life, fear of difficult challenges and accept the changes. Poverty is personal responsibility. An individual decision to stand still or run there will be far toward success or Prosperity. How do I ...? Immediately out of the chains of poverty with bold, creativity and hard work.
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01 January 2009


Believe do not believe, answer the phone skills are important in business success. Up to now the phone is still a major tool in the approach itself with the business partners or clients. How someone answer the phone in the form of a kantor5 akan first impression for business partners or clients.

Next phone to receive tips to achieve success in business:
  1. Lift and answer the incoming call before ringing to three.
  2. When receiving the phone, always try to sound warm and full antusia.
  3. When the phone, the caller with a polite welcome, and do not forget to mention the name of the company we work, for example: "JAKARTA FURNITURE" good morning, with rama, there can help me ......? * Pronounce each word clearly, try to remain soft voice and talk slowly and accurately as possible.
  4. Set the language to use in the well. Never use the language daily, use of formal language.
  5. Keep the sound and vocabulary is always positive.
  6. Write the message from the caller to the full. If something is not acknowledge or less understandable, such as spelling your name, address with a polite request to repeat again
  7. Always check on the caller, do not mind waiting for a moment while we connect with the people in the lead-up, and do not forget the people who wait in lines. If the person is busy in the lead-up, we can ask, `you want to wait or call back later`.

Make sure our business phone calls answered in each ring and be answered in a manner that is professional.

Congratulations and best wishes for successful attempts

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