20 December 2008

In a human Rice

In 2001, a scientist named Professor. Ehud Saphiro, biophysics from weizmann Research Institute of science, create a successful computer organick blood setetes form of genetic code.

With the business, he successfully adjust and change the DNA molecule (Deoxyribonu Kleic Acid) a giant molecule that is hidden in the nucleus of living cells into four-letter code, namely A (adenine), T (timin), G (guanine), S (sitosin) . They were a pair, A with T and G with S This genetic code holds information about the body, hair color, nose shape, high body, to organs, including the form of internal body functions and tissues. Human genetic code has a weight of 1 / 200 (one per two hundred) billion grams width 1/500.000 (one per five hundred thousand) millimeter. Although very small, but if in the dust, the length can reach three meters.

Kazuo Murakami, a specialist genetic origin of Japan revealed an interesting illustration of the size of this DNA. "If you can cut up a wire with a diameter of one millimeter in lengthwise into 1 / 100 (one hundred) parts, will be produced and each leaf blade is still 5000 (five thousand) times thicker sehelai of DNA." To help visualize how the small size of DNA, Think if we can collect all the DNA of the entire population of the world's six billion people. So the collection of DNA is all the weight will only be like a grain of rice
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09 November 2008

The period now Many Parents Ignore Child

In a large number of parents today are still considered to ignore the emotions that often occur in children, such as feeling sad, angry, and happy. So that children can not manage well and mental impact on the formation of emotional child.

Many parents are up to now ignore the emotions in children, although it will be a bad impact on children. "There are parents who do not realize their children are angry or sad and not likely to care about, but when the children need attention" As a result, children will develop into a closed and can not or difficult to manage the emotions stable.

Education in early childhood or age zero to five years is very important because in this period is the golden period of the formation of the brain and the personality of children. However, the fact is parents now tend to be not even aware and does not ignore the period, which provides a balanced education does not only form the intellectual acumen and ignore the ingenuity emotional child.

Thus now the most important role, namely intellect and emotional and spiritual intelligences. Therefore parents to education their children more attention and give more attention and love saying to the child so that children can form their personality to become more whole and well.
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10 October 2008


Tsunami is a term for the sea waves or seismic waves, which occur due to interference under tektonik basic ocean. Earthquake is usually followed by changes in surface sea water which resulted in the occurrence of sea-water waves spreading simultaneously overlooks spread over the point
Usually Highest tsunami to be the source of approximately 1 meter. But at the time near to the beach, the high can be more than 5 meters. That occur in indonesia a few years ago in the range of 1.5 - 4.5 scale imamura with high wave 4 - 24 meters and waves reach land ranged between 50 - 200 meters. Scientists generally interpret the tsunami with the name "wave pairs" or also known as the "wave of the sea because of earthquakes." In Japanese "tsunami" has a two syllable of "Tsu" means harbor, and "Nami" means wave. So Tsunami in Japanese language means that the wave is anchored
We definitely wonder, where the tsunami disaster may be caused by deodorant
Indeed, the tsunami looks weird with the deodorant. But not necessarily strange that can not happen. Let's see, almost all including deodorant perfume in substance use klorofluorokarbon. Air conditioner, refrigerator, hairspray, paint and so forth using CFC (klorofluorokarbon). Basically, the use of CFC will produce two types of reactions, including the aerosol that is a liquid turns to half the gas. This is then used as a deodorant or perfume. In the aerosol spray can, so it looks more practical. All people to be happy, work so much easier. Aerosols can also absorb high temperatures, meaning that can take heat from the environment into the cold ago, so it is suitable when used in AC and refrigerator. This is called a reaction to the addition entropi.
We see what the impact of chemicals from the CFC.
Excessive use of CFCs could lead to the occurrence of ozone depletion and leakage. For, klor only one atom can destroy 10,000 ozone molecules. Moreover, if the millions. Klor the number of atoms collected in the air is very difficult to get rid of us. Leakage of the ozone layer causing ultraviolet rays can penetrate directly into the earth without a "strained" at first. As a result, a hot air temperature, first, if leakage occurs in the polar region Layer in the polar melt, the effects of radiation exposure is exposed to the sun is very strong. Thaw layer of ice, causing the addition of a volume of ocean. Under the broad range of ocean, earth, crust-crust continue to run (move). They get pressure from the magma in the belly of the earth to run continuously formed plate-plate stable. With this increase in volume of water, automatic increase in pressure occurs. Movement of plate-plate earth is so much faster. Slab ocean and continental plates meet akan than normal speed. As a result, there were terrible earthquakes that cause tsunamis that chilling effect.
Is the relationship between the tsunami and deodorizer Read More......

20 September 2008

Tornado triggered a butterfly

In this world we can observe a variety of system and find a balanced and proposional. No we know, there is such a fine network which connects each element totality. Therefore, any activity we, if without consideration and planning, potentially calamitous akan elsewhere One expert called geofisikacuaca Edward Lorentz has developed a hypothetical that states that any small changes that occur, the impact caused akan increasing, agnitudenya.

He proved, that only one digit behind the comma data (0000X) will cause changes in a chain that results will be significantly different. Kurva showed that the change is called "KURVA LORENTZ" One when, in his efforts to make forecasting the weather, lorentz completed twelve differential equation with non-linier computer.

The result of the calculation is then depicted in the form of a kurva printed on paper. At first, he kurva print in the format of six digits on the back of coma (..., 506127). Then to save time, he entered only three digits behind the comma (..., 506) and repeated in the print paper that already contains the same results before printing.

One hour later the result is very different from what is estimated. Initially, the two attached kurva each other, but gradually shifted to form a pattern that is different. This is then known as the "butterfly Effect." This effect is like the lash butterfly wings in Brazil (equivalent to neglect a number 0.000127) that can trigger the emergence of storms tornado
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29 August 2008


We are able to change all the circumstances around us to be better or even more poorly. And that affects all of our key success. There are three ways to create success is key: 1. Through the Energy emotional feeling or vibration 2. Through the Energy cognitive mind or vibration 3. Through the Energy Physical or body vibration

Through the Energy or emotional feelings
It is the expression most of us. Feelings of day-to-day be described with the loud and clear about who we are and what is expected of the World. If we continue to feel afraid and we will project fear and will only attract more situations which will cause the more we are afraid. Other well as if we mastered anger, means we emit the signals that we expect hostility in all things and that is the fact that we will get. However, if the person who is feeling happy to appear, then we will get that this world is a very-very fun and make, all that will bring more excitement. Where emotions come ...? Whether the source of this energy is strong as we Involve in all the time ...? If the feelings of anger or love, joy or misery, depression, or passion, or spirit ... bored? The answer from all the only one that is "thought" Through the Energy cognitive or thought Mind-mind rarely stops, they continue to mass-produce messages that vibrate in the field energetik us. Therefore, the mind-mind that our emotional energy source, they are twice as more important in the fight for our success Through the Energy Physical or body This is a combination of energy or feelings of emotional and cognitive energy or thought. After we describe clearly what is in the Express in the forward-thinking by our minds and create a behavior, movement, action and so forth. So it's on we do not forget the energy in the third. They should not have a parallel may be out of the path, supposing there is a path out of the success will vanish from our eyes.
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15 August 2008

MAKE LIFE MORE laughing Healthy

Can be a laugh if the medicine in accordance with the measure or size. But can also be toxic or disease if the seed be excessive and over-dose. There are several benefits from laughing if done in a proportional or rights, including; reduce stress, reduce high blood pressure, bringing the balance in the body's immune system, and prevent any future disease.

There is a field of cardiology research at the University of Maryland Medical Center, the Michael Miller, interviewed several people who had experienced heart attack or arterial treatment stoppage. And the results are generally those who were interviewed was very rare for a laugh and always filled his life with the bustle-bustle of the impound lot When we see movies or funny humor that often makes us laugh, as Mr. Bean was able to rise to the extraordinary effect of kardio, overall blood vessel will swell twenty-two times faster than normal conditions after we laugh. Like others, when we see films that stretch, after the blood vessel dilation bound to be more slow thirty five percent compared to normal conditions. Laugh that can improve the performance of blood vessel, because "endorfin" can be released, the hormones also cause feeling comfortable after we berolah sport. Endorfin can help improve blood flow Another possibility, laugh our bodies release make nitrit oxide, a gas that can make rileks walls or vein endotelium.
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